Chapter 1

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Kiara's POV 

Leaning against the bathroom sink i stare at myself  before looking down again. I look back up and frown at my reflection, My beautiful chocolate skin is pale, my eyes were swollen and brimming with tears and my bottom lip is swollen from nervously biting it.

How the fuck did this happen!

"FUCK!!" I screamed slamming my hand against the counter.

I hear a knock at the bathroom door, I quickly looked down at the lock to make sure I locked it.

"Y-yes?" I mutter.

"Sis?! are you ok in there?" My best friend Tiffany yells.

"Yeah I'm g-good!" I say.

At least I think I will be, I mean shit couldn't get any worse, right?

I've been feeling so lost ever since my momma died 2 months ago. I loved her so much she was my biggest supporter throughout my life. Whenever I had a softball game, she was there cheering for me in the stands. Whenever I had a problem, she would always  help me find a solution.

My mother was the only parental figure in my life because my dad was a deadbeat. He hasn't been in my life since I was 3 and I'm so glad he stayed out of it.

"Well bitch stop screaming in there because I almost bust my ass running down these steps trying to make sure your ok!" Tiffany hollers snapping me out of my thoughts.

Sighing I opened the door and looked up at Tiffany. I fucking hate that She is so tall. She always make me feel like I'm a midget. I'm only 5'4 but compared to her 5'10 I feel like a fucking dwarf.

"Oh I'm sorry but this shit is important." I say while holding up the pregnancy test. looking up at Tiffany with tear running down my face I chuckled.

I watch Tiffany's eyes widen and her jaw dropped as she gasped dramatically

"Bitch I knew you was fucking pregnant!" She yells "You have been eating all my mother fucking waffles like you one of those starving children on the tv" she laughed.

I stared at her in disbelief before I busted out laughing. I cannot believe this bitch, she suppose to be giving me advice on what to do and how to handle this situation but instead she's talking about some lame ass waffles but at least she made me smile.

"Girl fuck you, I have not been eating them dusty ass freezer brunt waffles!" I laughed.

She reared her head back in shock and placed her hand on her chest.

"DONT TALK ABOUT MY WAFFLES LIKE THAT" she yelled.  I was laughing so hard I had to running back in the bathroom to go pee.

Tiffany has been my rock since the 6th grade. When my mom and I moved to New York I was really shy. I was just starting at this new school with all these different people and I was so scared but then Tiffany came up to me and started talking to me like we were old friends. Every since that day we have been best friends. When we graduated high school we applied to the same college and we were roommate as well. We had another friend we met when we started college but she ain't with us anymore.....She's still alive but mentally, she's dead to me.

I walked downstairs and notice Tiffany in the kitchen heating up those stank ass waffles.

"And yet you saying i've been eating them.... dumb hoe." I whispered.

"I heard that you bitch!" She yells.

I go sit on the couch and let out a heavy sigh. I looked up at Tiffany as I watch her walk over to me with her plate and sit down next to me. Once she was settled I turned so that I could rest my feet on her legs

"Um could you move your stank ass feet? You bout to fuck up my appetite." She said, scrunching up her nose in disgust.

I rolled my eyes and continued to get comfortable, stretching my legs out.

"What am I going to do sis?"

"What do you want to do?" She asked in between chews.

"I don't know. On one hand, I want to go to clinic and have an abortion, but then again the thought of having my own child to love and care for is outweighing that, despite everything that's happened."

For the longest I've been wanting to get married and start a family with my boyfriend Dante. I would send subtle hint to him everyday and sometimes we'd even talked about it but nothing was ever set in stone and I'm happy as fuck that it wasn't because he was a lying, cheating, sack of shit, that could fall off a cliff for all I care.

We were together for 4 long years before I found out he was cheating on me with one of my friends. Then come to find out they've been sleeping together since the weekend before our first year anniversary and that really broke me because I gave that relationship my all and ended up wasting 4 years of my life on that goofy ass bitch. 

To make matters worst, when my mom was in the hospital dying of lung cancer and I emotionally and physically fucked up and was crying my eyes out and my boyfriends was deep in my friends pussy.....Fucking dickhead!

"So keep the baby." Tiffany deadpans.

I frown, staring at her and waiting for something more but that was it.

"You don't have any objections?" I asked.

"No why would I? it's not my place. If you want to keep the baby then go ahead, that's your decision to make. I honestly wouldn't mind having a little rugrat running around here but again that's your choice. If you decide not to keep it then that's okay too, just know I'm here for you either way." She smiled, mouth stuffed with a sticky waffle.

"But what if-

"Stop with the what ifs. If you truly want this baby then your gonna get ya ass up, go to the doctors, get checked just to make sure that you are pregnant and if you are then in 9 months you'll have a healthy baby girl that will be loved unconditionally by her mother and her auntie."

See this this is why I love Tiffany! She was my voice of reason. She helps me clear my head and think straight and I needed that the most right now.

"How do you know I'm having a girl?" I smirked.

"I just know." She said.

I shook my head at her, "You think I can handle being a single mother" I asked.

"Single mother or not you will be the best mother and you know it, so stop doubting yourself." She says

"Yeah your right." I say. "I just wish it wasn't Dante's stupid ass baby" I whisper.

"Don't we all." She muttered, making me chuckle.

"I think I'm going to go to bed now." I say to Tiffany.

"Ok babygirl, I love you sleep tight." She said while blowing me a sloppy maple syrup covered kiss.

I don't know what the fuck I would do without her but if she wasn't here I probably would've done something crazy like committed suicide. And I know I shouldn't think like that but my mom death has been really hard on me and my thoughts have been super negative recently.

I go into my room and turn on my LED lights to a dark blue and lay in my bed.

Turning on my side, I snuggle up in my comforter and close my eyes. "Alexa, play my rain sounds on loop." I say

Hopefully tomorrow, I'll wake up feeling refreshed and a lot better about the situation, then come up with a solution.

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