Chapter 26

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Kiara's POV

I was rushing to finish getting ready so that I could make it to work on time. I was forcing my work shoes on while Tyler was standing at the door waiting for me like I was taking to long.

He didn't set any alarm to wake me up and I woke up 20 minutes before my shift. So here I am rushing to get ready so that I can make to work on time, even tho I know I won't make it.

"This is your fucking fault Tyler, don't look at me like that." I said rolling my eyes.

"How is it my fault." He scoffed.

"You didn't set an alarm, so I didn't wake up in time so now I'm going to be late." I exclaimed.

"No baby, don't blame me." He said rolling his eyes.

"Tyler fuck you! Let's go." I said grabbing my bag and walking pass him.

I got into his car and sat waiting for him to get in. I was being overly emotional to be honest and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I would've love to stay with Tyler and sleep for the rest of the night but instead I'm going to work.

The whole ride to the restaurant was a silent one, I wanted to speak but I was being stubborn. We pulled into the parking lot and I was getting ready to get out of the car but Tyler stopped me. He grabbed my chin and turned me to face him, placing a gently kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry if you blame me for making you late but I will not tolerate you ignoring me and disrespecting me, do you understand?" He said firmly.

I nod my head waiting for him to let go of me but he didn't let up.

"I need word Kiara." He said, staring at me intensely.

"I understand." I said.

"Perfect." He smiled giving me one last kiss before letting me go. "Have a good day baby."

I waved at him and hopped out of his car, rushing into the restaurant and walking straight to the back. Everyone was scurrying around like ants trying to get things done.

"Hey Kiara." Vanessa said. Vanessa is one of my coworkers, she is barely here because she goes to school Monday through Thursday so she only works on the weekends, so I was very surprised to see her.

"Hey Vanessa! It's been a a while, how are you!" I said hugging her.

She smiled widely at me, hugging me tightly. "I'm doing ok. Look at you! Your stomach is getting so big!" She exclaimed.

I know she didn't mean it that way but that lowkey hurt my feelings.

"Aww yeah don't say that again you might make me cry." I said. She laughed but I was deadass serious.

"It's been busy so get ready mama." She said walking away.

I went to put on my apron, at that moment josh walked in carrying some plates.

"Kiki babes !" He yelled. "You was suppose to come in on time why are you late!"

"I know I know but my man kinda made me late." I whispered. Tyler doesn't know that I'm with anyone, the last he heard was me and Dante spilt up.

He looked at me with a shocked expression. "Your what!!" He yelled causing the cooks to turn and look at him.

I held up my finger to my mouth telling him to keep it down.

"My man josh." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh bitch I didn't know you were seeing someone what the fuck!" He said taken back.

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