Chapter 42

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Kiara's POV

I wake up to the feeling of someone touching me. My eyes flutter open trying to adjust to the bright hospital lights. I turn my head looking down at my arm when I feel a prick. I see a hand pulling out a needle out of my arm and then pulling my IV out.

"H-hey what are you d-d-doin-" I trailed off starting to feel groggy again. I try to keep my eyes open but I can't. I grab the persons hand but I feel to weak and next thing I see is black.

I wake up again feeling pain all over my body, I'm laying down on a cold hard floor with something over my head. Where the fuck am I. I groaned and try to sit up. It's hard trying to sit up because something has my hands and legs bound.

I can hear cars driving by, I must be in a truck something. I was jolted sideway when the car turned

"Ughhh." I groaned when I felt pain attack the left side of my body.

The car came to a stop and I turned over trying to get off the side of my body that was throbbing. I don't understand, who the fuck would have me tied up in the back of a truck.

I heard the door open then someone grabbed my ankles and dragged me to end of the truck.

"Ooww what the fuck, stop!" I yelled painfully.

"Shut the hell up." I hear a female voice say."

That voice sound so familiar, it almost sounds like- it can't be her.

"Who is that?" I yelled trying to get her to speak again.

She ignored me this time and untied my legs before  pulling me up so that I was standing. She roughly dragged me forward and inside what I'm assuming is a building or something. I tripped over something, making me fall to my knees.

"Watch your step." The voice said.

"You couldn't have said that before." I groaned

She roughly pulled me up to stand and pulled me toward. My whole body was on fire and this bitch was pulling me around like I was some type of rag doll. I should be laying down in the hospital, trying to heal up from just pushing out a fucking baby but instead I get kidnap by some dumb bitch that I don't even know.

We suddenly came to a stop, I hear keys jingling then a door opening. I was roughly pushed forward making me stumbled and fall on to concrete floor, making me scrap my knee.

"I'm tired of your bitch ass pushing me around." I said.

I hear her foot steps retreating and then door slammed leaving me in here by myself. My hands were still bound so I couldn't remove whatever was covering my face off, she could've at least untied my hands.

This room smells like shit and it's cold as fuck. All I have on is this flimsy ass hospital gown and no a shoes. Thankful when I was at the hospital I put on some underwear because I didn't feel comfortable having my ass out.

I've been sitting here for at least 30 minutes now and I'm starting to doze off. Unable to keep my eyes open any longer I leaned by against the wall and closed my eyes.

It wasn't long before I heard key jingling and the door opening. I heard three sets of  foot steps walk into the room and towards me. Someone snatched the cloth off of my head so that i was able to see. The lights in the room were bright so it took me a moment for my eyes to adjust. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them, blinking rapidly so that I can try to focus.

When I was finally able to see, I looked up and seen none other than Dante, Vanessa and that dumb bitch Camille staring down at me.

"What the fuck." I yelled confused as to what was going on. "Why did y'all kidnap me, why am I here?" I said.

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