Chapter 34

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Kiara's POV

I was having such a wonderful day with Skai. We went out and go our nails done then we went to go see a movie and now we're sitting at the food court in the mall.

"My feet and back is killing me." I said, I leaning back so that I can rest my feet on the other chair.

"It's ok I'll go get the food what would you like?" Skai said.

"Fried rice with general Tso chicken please." I said. Leaning back further into the chair. They aren't that comfortable but they're better than walking or standing.

I hear my phone ping and I picked it up, looking to see who was texting me.

Unknown number: attachment 1 video.

Hmm what the fuck

I open the message and click play. I immediately notice tyler sitting at his desk but then I also notice the women standing by the window. I don't know if they're talking because there's no sound. I watch as the women push Tyler's chair back and sits in his lap. He looks at her and then she grabs his face and kisses him. His hand goes up to her chin and that's where the video cuts off. I can feel my heart shattering into pieces.

Maybe it's a misunderstanding, maybe it's not what I think it is, Then what the fuck is it Kiara? I don't know but im gonna find out cause if this motherfucker is cheating then I'm out, he better have a good ass explanation.

"Here you go." Skai said snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't even realize she came back already.

"You ok?" She said with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah yeah, just tired." I slightly chuckled.

We ate. Talked and laughed but my mind was far away thinking about what I was going to do about Tyler.

It was 1:45 p.m when we decided it was time to head home. We got into the car and Skai immediately turned on the radio and started singing. I've learned that Skai loves to sing and she had a great voice. She also likes math and drawing. I was going to talk to Tyler about having her stay with us so that I could have time with her. My first choice was to make her stay in my old room at my old place but I want to be closer to here, plus tiffany is always out.

She need to get enrolled in school, she's only 16 so she can't just sit at home all day. It weird having a younger sister after believing that i was an only child.

"Hey ki , are you sure your ok?" Skai asked.

"Huh? Yeah I'm ok don't worry." I lied.

She was silence for a moment and then she nodded her head and continued to sing.

We pulled up to the house there was a car in the drive way but I didn't know whose car it was. we got out of the car and went inside to find Mrs. Vivian in the kitchen cooking.

"Vivian Hii how are you?" I said.

She whipped around and ran towards me. "Ahh beautiful beautiful Kiara, im great honey and how bout yourself." She asked while giving me a hug.

"I'm doing alright. This is my sister skai, Skai this is Tyler's mom." I said.

"Ohh sister? I didn't know you had a sister." She said smiling at skai.

"Well I didn't know either. Not until yesterday. " I laughed.

Vivian gave me a confused looked and went over to skai and gave her a hug. "Hello darling." She said.

"Hii." Skai said shyly.

"I didn't know you were coming by; Tyler didn't say anything." I asked.

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