Chapter 21

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Mature content!!

Tyler was driving us to his house. He had successfully talked me into sleeping over his house tonight. I told him I didn't have clothes and her told me I could wear his.

We pull up to his house and he come around and opens the car door for me. He opened the front door and we walked insides the house. I immediately went straight for the kitchen, raiding his fridge.

I was snacking on a watermelon when he came up behind me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

"Did u have a nice time tonight?" He asked kissing my neck.

"Yes I had a great time." I said moaning at the feeling of his lips on my neck. He turned me around and closed in on my mouth, kissing me with such determination. He was kissing me like he was a starving man.

He slipped his tongue in my mouth and swirled it around my tongue. I pulled his head closer to mine like I was trying to merge our bodies together.

He picked me up and placed me on the counter. He lifted my dress up and over my head. Leaving me in only my bra and underwear. He then reached behind me and pulled my bra apart. I quickly tried to cover my breast before there exposed.

He took my hands away from my chest. "Don't you dare hide away from me." He said.

He leaned down and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth unexpectedly.  I moaned out and gripped the neck of his neck, holding him in place so doesn't stop.

He rolls and flicks his tongue my nipple before biting its gently. He moved to my other nipple and gives it the same exact treatment. I moved closer to the edge of the counter so that I could grind myself on him.

Tyler abruptly pulled away, he picked me up bridal style and walked me to his room. He gently lays me on the bed and start kissing my neck again.

"I can finally worship you with no interruptions."  He said in between kissing.

He kisses his way down my body make his way to my  pussy. What is he doing? I've never had anyone do this to me before so this is new to me.

"W-what you doing?" I asked breathlessly.

"I'm going to eat you of course." He said with a smirk.

He kissed both of my thighs and then moved up to kiss the lips of my pussy. I gasped unexpectedly, I wasn't expecting that but it felt so good. He use his hand to spread my legs even further, opening me up for him to taste. I felt him blow air on my pussy and I swear I almost came for just that.  I was so caught up in the moment that when he took one long lick up my slit, I bucked halfway off the bed. I moaned loudly quickly grabbing on to his hair.

He expertly rolled his tongue around my clit and then sucked it into his mouth. He continued to licked one long stroke up from my ass to my clit. I never thought I would like this so much but right now I'm in heaven.

"A-ah d-don't stop." I moaned. I can feel that I'm close.

He used two finger to finger fuck me relentlessly why he licked my clit. I was trashing back and forth unable to control myself.

"I'm going to c-cum." I said, just as I felt this wave flow over me. I swear I can see stars above me. My heart was thumping against my chest and I rode my pussy on his face, riding out the last wave of my orgasm.

Tyler crawled back up my body, grabbing my neck he held me while he kissed me forcefully. I can taste myself on his tongue. I felt worn out just from that orgasm.

" I'm not done with you just yet baby." He said. Letting go of my neck, he stood up. I watched him take off his shirt and throw it across the room, then he did the same with his pants. He pulled off his boxers and sprung out was his hard dick.

I gasped slightly seeing him for the first time. He was huge, Definitely bigger than my last. I watched him slowly stroke that beast and lick his lips while staring at me.

"You like what you see?" he said smirking and getting on the bed.

"Ty where the fuck do you think your going with that thing." I asked in shock. "Not near my pussy. You will rip me in half." I said.

He chuckled, " I'm definitely going to be fucking you with his "thing" as you call it." He said.

Oh lord.

He turned me over and pulled my ass up and that I was in the doggy style position. I could only arch my back so much with this belly in the way but Tyler wasn't complaining so I guess I was in the perfect position.

"Watch ya self Tyler." I said. I was so horny I reached my hand underneath me and started playing with my pussy.

Tyler moves my hand out of the way. " aye! Only I get to play with my pussy." He said.

"Your pussy ?" I said with my brow raised.

"You heard me." He said laughing.

I was about to say something else when I felt the head of his dick run up and down my slit. I let out  moan at how amazing it felt.

He slowly pushed the head in at my entrance, moving slowly careful not to hurt me. My eyes were starting to roll in the back of my head the further he pushed in. He slammed all the way in and then stopped.

"O-ohhhhhh!" I yelled in pleasure.

"You alright?" He said. I nodded my head quickly letting him know that he can continue. He slowly pulled out and pushed back in. He kept up this pace until he felt me relax more.

"Faster baby." I moaned moving back to match his rhythm. I was gripping the sheets and moaning loudly. Thank god he did have roommates.

He was now pounding me with these punishing trust that made it feel like my pussy would exploded. The only sound you can hear in the room was the erotic sound of flesh hitting flesh. He slapped my ass hard but the pain subdued quickly, pleasure taking over my entire body.

Fuck baby I'm gonna cum." He said between trust. He was moving faster now. Making it almost unbearable..... almost. My vision was starting to go in and out. I can feel the best orgasm of my life coming up from my toes.

Tyler trusted into me one last time before we both exploded.

"O-Ohhhhh myyyyyy goddddddd!" I screamed, eyes rolling into the back of my head, one minute I was floating above my body and the next it was all black.

I woke up to the feeling of a something cool on my pussy. I looked down to see that Tyler was cleaning me up with a wet wash cloth.

"Your back from the dead I see." He said smirking.

"Akekekeke , you think it's funny, your dicks ap good you made me pass out." I said.

He gets up and place the wash cloth on the night stand and laid down next to me.

"I'm sorry babygirl, but I had to show you what I could do." He said laughing. He pulled my body towards him, kissing along my shoulder.

"Damn I'm glad we came back to your house." I said closing my eyes and sighing.

"I know you are. Now rest up, we have a couple more rounds left to go." He said.

"Yeah the fucking right." I said before passing out again.

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