Chapter 18

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Tyler's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone talking. It sounded like they were yelling but in a whispered voice.

I opened my eyes and saw Tiffany looking a Kiara with tears in her eyes. I looked down at Kiara and she was smirking. What the hell is going on here?

Tiffany eyes looked to me before she smiled wide.

"Thank you for taking care of my best friend." She said rushing over to me and giving me a hug.

I slightly frowned and hugged her back. "Uh your welcome." I said.

She let go of me and went back to the end of the bed.

"I will run to the house and go get you some clothes." She said then rushed out of the room.

Kiara laughed before looking up at me, "Good Morning tired ass." she said.

"Good Morning baby, tired ass?" I asked.

"You've been sleeping all morning". She said, poking my side.

"I haven't been sleeping lately." I said.

"Why not?" She said with a frown.

"I've just haven't been the same since we fell out, I felt like I lost something special." I said shyly.

"Yeah I felt the same." She says kissing my check.

I get out of the bed and help her stand so she can go to the bathroom. While she was using the bathroom the doctor came in with the discharge paper. Tiffany also chose that moment to walk in with a bag in her hand.

Kiara walked out the bathroom and the doctor handed her the papers. "Kiara make sure you stay stress free. Your on bed rest, that doesn't mean go do everything in the world, It means relax in bed ok?" He said.

"Yes doctor." She said sitting down and signing the papers. After she was done she handed it to the doctor, then she took the bag from Tiffany and went in the bathroom to change.

"Sooooo I see your back in her life." Tiffany said.

I nod my head and smirked, "yep looks like it." I said.

She was silent for a moment then she said. "Hurt my best friend again and I'll fuck you up."she said in a menacing tone.

My eyes widen and I nod my head . What the fuck, why is she so scary.

Kiara came out of the bathroom with a black sweatshirt and some yoga pants that made her ass look good as fuck.

I stare at her ass and bite my lip, I was so caught up in her ass I didn't notice her hand flying towards my chest.

"Stop looking at my ass." She said laughing.

"I'm sorry I can't help it, it just look so good." I said smirking. She rolled her eyes at me and walked out of the room.

We all left the hospital and drove to Kiara and Tiffany's house. I try to convince her to stay with me tonight but I don't know how she will feel about it.
Kiara's POV

It feels so good to be home, those hospital beds aren't that comfortable. I need to keep myself relax at all times, no stressing and everything will be alright.

I went into my room and immediately went to take a shower. The blood on the floor is gone, I'm guessing tiffany cleaned it up when she got here.

I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Tyler sitting on my bed, next to him was a plate with eggs , sausage and pancakes. My mouth watered at the sight, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw the food. I picked up the plate and sat down next to Tyler.

"I want you to spend the night with me tonight." Tyler said.

"I just got home." I said with my mouth stuffed.

"I know but it's been two month since I've been able to hold you, touch you, kiss you, I need all of that. He said.

I finishing eating my pancake and then spoke, "I'll think about it and let you know later." I said.

"Well if you don't come with me then I'll stay here." He said.

I stared at him wide eyed, "what forreal?" I questioned.

"Yep!" He smiled showing all his teeth.

Well I guess him being here wouldn't be a bad idea, we could watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the night. I started to get excited and started shoving the rest of my food in my mouth just so I can speak.

"Ok so you can stay here and we can watch movies and stuff and just relax today!" I said excitedly.

He laughed at me and nodded his head. I jumped up and got the extra pillows and blankets out of my closet. I closed the curtains, since it was 12:30 in the afternoon it was still bright out and I hated watching movies if there was any type of light on.

"Can you order some pizza." I asked Tyler before grabbing the remote and getting in bed. I got under the covers and held them up so Tyler could get under too.

"You just ate." He said.

"Well I want a snack so order some pizza, wings, with some breadsticks.....Please." I finished.

He stared at me before grabbing his phone and called the pizza place.

"Oh and some cinnamon sticks." I yelled before he had a chance to hang up. He shook his head laughing, Rattling off the rest of our order.

We settle in and started walking movies on Netflix. Halfway through the movies our pizza arrived and we at the whole box, well I ate most of the pizza but that's beside the point.

Everything was perfect at the moment and I was happy to have Tyler back in my life.

We were on our second movie when I heard my phone go off. I ignored it at first but then it went off again. I picked it up and show a message from and unknown number.

656-555-8976 : I wish you had lost the baby bitch.

I stared at my phone shocked at what I was seeing. WHO THE FUCK IS DOINT THIS!

Hey guys so I started my other book, it's called damaged. Please go check it out and tell me what you think. I think that is will actually be a good one! :)) enjoy!!

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