Chapter 59

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Y'all this is a long ass chapter, I didn't mean to do that but I'm sure y'all don't mind so enjoy :)
Skai's POV

"You don't have to thank me." Tyler said.

I smiled and turned, making my way to my room. I feel like an idiot, I don't know why I didn't think about how Ki might be feeling about the situation, I just left.

As much as I enjoy spending time with Trey, I could've been here spending time with Kiara and making sure she's alright. I need to get my shit together, I thought.

I walk into my room and sat down at the edge of my bed. I grabbed my phone when I heard it ping. It was Trey texting me goodnight. I placed my phone down and laid back on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I kept thinking about what Tyler said and it was really bothering me, I should've never left Kiara like that. She needed me just as much as I needed Trey but instead of staying and talking it out with her, I left......what the fuck is wrong with me.

I quickly sat up and went into the bathroom. I opened the shower door and turned on the water, making sure it all the way to the left. I peeled off my clothes and stared at myself in the mirror, my body wasn't perfect but it was nice I guess. I hated how big my arms were, my boobs were too small and my nose was slightly crooked. These were just some of the things that I hated about my body.

I turned around and stepped into the shower, feeling the scolding hot water touch my skin. After spending a good 10 minutes just standing under the spray of the water, I finally reached over and grabbed my sponge and the soap to wash myself.

25 minutes later I hope out of the shower and get dressed in some sleep pants and a tank top. I was just about to lay in my bed when I decided that I need to go see Kiara.

I slowly creeped out of my room and down the hall to Tyler's room, I knocked softly but I didn't hear anything. I was about to walk away because I didn't want to bother them but then I heard Kiara say come in.

I slowly opened the door and saw Kiara sitting up while rubbing her eyes. I closed the door and walked over to her, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

I felt the bed shift and then Kiara was hugging me. I was trying my hardest not to cry but a tear slipped out... what can I say I'm a fucking crybaby.

"What are you sorry for?" Kiara asked.

"I-I should've never left, I didn't think about how you were feeling I just thought about myself." I said sobbing.

"It's ok, I figured that maybe you just wanted to be alone. I don't want to push you to talk to me if your not ready. This is all new to me, I'm still trying to learn how to be a sister, I just don't wanna mess anything up." She said.

"No your perfect and I was just being selfish and thinking about myself and my feelings." I said.

She let go of me and looked me in the eyes, "from now on whenever something happens, no matter if it's important or not we talk to each other about it ok?" She said.

I smiled, "Ok!"

" gone tell me who the hell you was in the car with yesterday?" She said laughing.

I groaned and dropped my head in my hands, "he's just some guys that I go to school with."

"Mhm just some guy? That's not what it looked like when I saw y'all."

"Please can we please talk about this tomorrow?" I groaned again feeling embarrassed, I'm sure if I was any lighter you would be able to see how red my cheeks were.

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