Chapter 35

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Tiffany's POV

His grip tightens around my neck as he's pounding into me. My legs were starting to shake and I could tell I was about to bust. His dick was big as hell and he knew just how to use it.

"Fuck baby...... you like when pound into you like this." He said.

I let out a long and low moan feeling myself getting closer and closer to the edge.

"I'm soo close d-don't stoppppp oooo" I moaned.

"What's my name?" He said into my ear

"Daddy." I said lowly.

"Louder." He's pouring faster.

"Daddy!" I say louder.

" I. still. can't. Hear. You." He said thrusting into me with each word.

"DADDYYY!" I scream, leg shaking as I cum harder than I've ever did in my life.

"Fuckkkkk!" He pulls out and pumps in dick a couple of times before exploding all over my stomach. He collapsed on top of me and laid his head in the crook of my neck.

All you can hear is our heavy breathing as we try to come down from that intense moment.

He lifted his head from between my neck and pushes the hair away from my face. He kissed me deeply making sure to bite my bottom lip as he pulled back.

"Derrick get off me your heavy." I said.

Now I know what your thinking? Didn't I tell Kiara I wouldn't mess with him until he got his shit together. Well I tried but you see his dick game is A1 and I'm in deep. Whenever I'm horny my mind and my pussy automatically thinks of Derrick. And don't even get me started on his dirty talking..... whewww it should be a crime.

He rolled over and and pulled me with him so that we were both laying on our sides but facing each other.

"Are you going to leave again." He asked.

"You damn right I'm gonna leave. I only came here for some dick." I said trying to pull out of his hold but he won't let me go.

"So your just using me for your own pleasures." He asked.

I put a finger on my chin and pretended to think about it. "Hmm.... yep that's exactly what I'm doing."  I replied successfully getting out of his hold. I start to get dressed and walked over to the bathroom to go check my hair."

"But I want to be with you." He spoke from the bedroom.

"Yeah well they want water in hell but don't they got none and probably won't ever be getting any." I said.

"That's foul as fuck tiff." He said walking into the bathroom.

"Well maybe you should get your shit together." I grabbed my purse and phone and walked out of his room.

"My shit is together. What do you mean?" He yelled after me.

I ignored him and walked out his front door, slamming it behind me. My phone pinged and I see that it's a message from Eric.

What the fuck?! I just finished getting fucked and now my ex is texting me.... how fucking weird.

The bitch that cheated: will you please just stop by tonight?"

I stared at the message contemplating what to do. Maybe I should just go and see what he wants.

Me: only for 20 minutes, you could say what you gotta say and then I'm leaving.

The bitch that cheated: YES! 20 minutes is all I need.

Fuck I'm an idiot.
Kiara's POV

"You love me back?!" Tyler said excited

"Of course I love you! I've been wanting to tell you for so long."I said.

"YESSSS! you hear that princess your mom loves me!" He yelled. "You don't understand how happy I am to hear you say that babe."

"I've been wanting to tell you for a while now too. But I was just scared." I said.

"Well I'm glad you said it back." He said smiling widely

I laughed as he placed kisses all over my face. He walked me backwards and laid me on the bed and started kissing down my neck.

"Eh Eh Eh mister , isn't your mother still here and my sister. I know she ain't cook just so she can go home afterwards, your mom loves company so I'm positive she is still her." I said.

He sighed and got up. "Your right she is down there."

" I thought so." I said laughing. I was trying to get up but my belly wouldn't allow me. "Can you help me up ty." I said.

He walked over to me and took my hands, pulling me up so that I was now standing.

"Thank you." I said kissing his cheek.

I went and grabbed my phone and check the time. Almost six. Earlier today I called my boss and told him I won't be coming in until I have the baby. My back be killing me and I don't know if I can work a whole shift like this.

Tomorrow I will be 8 months pregnant..... how wonderful. I have a doctors appointment in the morning and I forgot to tell Tyler about it.

"Ty." I called for him.

"Yea." He said from the bathroom.

"I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning. I'm sorry I completely forgot to tell u." I said.

"It's alright I'll just go into work late." He said.

"You dont have to come ty I just wanted to let you know." I said.

He poke his head out of the bathroom and looked at me. "Why wouldn't I want to go."

"Well you have work and you just went back today and I don't want to take you away from that." I said.

"I'm going Kiara." He said giving me a stern look.

"Ok babe." I gave in. "I still still wanna see that video feed btw, I didn't forgot." I said.

"Of course mama I'll bring you with me to work after your appointment." He said.

He walked out of the bathroom. "You ready to go eat?" He asked.

"When am I not ready to eat?" I laughed.

He shook his head laughing, "True."

"Wait Tyler I have a favor." I said.

"What's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you would be ok with Skai living with us." I asked.

"Oh yeah I was going to tell you that she could stay with us, I'm sure she doesn't have anywhere else to go. Plus I thought you would like the idea of be able to live with your sister." He said.

"That's exactly what I wanted. Gosh your perfect you know that." I said.

"Yeah yeah I know." He said.

We were walking to the kitchen when we heard an extra voice in the living. I walked passed the kitchen and peeked into the living to see Derrick talking to Skai.

"Ohh hey Derrick!" I said smiling.

Well this is going to be a fun family dinner.

Sorry it's shorter than usual. Didn't know what else to add lol.

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