Chapter 4

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    Hey I know only a couple of chapters done already but please let me know what you think so far ! I'm kind of really excited about this so I'm hoping people will read it and love it !
Once bare with me this is my first story so I hope I'm doing good !


Tyler's POV

It's been two month of this bullshit. These annoying ass girl and these annoying ass dates . Every time I go to one I just want to bang my head against the table. Out of all the girls I've sat and had dinner with i had sex with almost all of them. And let me tell you the sex.... was horrible. Not only was it their annoying personality. it was also the way the acted. I don't know what type of services my mother is paying for but she needs to cancel it. Every girl was basically the same. Same face , same style , same body , same sex. Ugh it was absolutely depressing. Thankfully I get two weeks to myself before my mother decided to start this shit up again.

I took out my phone and called my best friend nick. Nick and I have been friends since high school. We graduated together and went to the same college. We have a lot in common we both decided to go into the business and build our selves up from the ground. And it works we are both thriving and successful.  Nick is the only person I trust other than my mother I told him about what happened to me when I was younger and he helped me overcome a lot of my fears and taught me how to fight. I have two other best friends but Angelo is in France for some business and Derrick is married with kids so he barely comes out to hang.

I listen to the phone ring and then nick picked up.

"What's up dick." Nick answered

"What's up man? you busy later." I asked.

He was silent for a second before he spoke. "Nah I will be home I think." He said .

"Well let's go get drink yeah ?" I said

"I'm down what time?" he asked.

" 7 o'clock at Bruno's." I said. "We have some catching up to do." I said.

There was some muffled noise and then I heard his wife Cynthia speak in the background. It was muffled so I couldn't understand but I bet he was asking permission. Shaking my fucking head..... typically tied down shit.

"yeah bro I'll see you then." He said then hung up

I got up from my desk and decided to go get some food at that Italian restaurant by the mall. I usually have my assistant do it but I sent his sick ass home because he was fucking sneezing everywhere.

After a short drive over to the mall. I noticed there was no parking up front so I would have to park in the back and walk. How annoying. I got out of my car and started walking towards the restaurant with my phone in my hand. I was checking emails and all I kept hearing was " wow he is gorgeous." "I wonder if he would date me." " do you think his dick is big." Well to answer your question..... yes, yes it is big.

I was still walking when I felt this urge to look up. I stopped and looked up and looked behind me but there was nothing. I turned my head to the right and I was instantly stuck in my place. I watched as this beautiful dark skin girl check herself in the mirror in the store. She was wearing this sexy looking black dress that made me want to rip it off with my teeth. She had this nice fat ass that just made you want to grab it , squeeze it and , spank it. I looked her up and down and notice how good she looked . She had short toned legs and from the angle I was at I can see she had nice titties. Plus she didn't have on a bra, I think I'm in heaven.

I watched her spin around and I was at a lost for words. Her skin looked so flawless in the sunlight beaming through the shop and her lips were full and plump. All I could think is how I couldn't wait to have them wrapped around my dick. Man I've never been this stuck on a female before but I'm stuck on this one.

I licked my lips and reached my hand down to adjust my dick in my suit pants. Damn she got me hard as hell just by looking . I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I had her in my arms and in my bed. I bet she smelled good as hell. I watched he turn quickly and run into the dressing room.

If I wasn't mistaking I could've sworn I saw a baby bump. I hope the father isn't in the picture because I would do anything just to be with this women.

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