Chapter 41

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Tyler's POV

I caress Kiara cheek while I watch her sleep. She passed out a little bit after they took Arielle to the NICU. I know that having Arielle took everything out of her but I'm so proud of her, she pushed through so that we could see our babygirl.

I pull the blanket up over her and place a kiss on her forehead. I walk out of the room and went to go find a nurse. 

I text tiffany to let her know that she could come up with me to see the baby. The wouldn't let her stay in the room during the delivery so she hasn't seen Arielle yet.

I came across a nurse that look like she was around the age of 45 or 50. She was on the heavier side and had her brown hair tied up tightly in a bun. She looked like she was sweet and motherly.

"Hey um can you show me where the NICU is?" I said.

"Sure thing hun." She smiled at me, walking around the counter.

"Wait for me!!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see tiffany jogging towards us.

We continued down the hall and took a couple of turns before we were at the NICU.

"You can go in" she said pointing at me. "For you I'll allow you to go in for a couple of minutes but we're only really allowed to have parents in this room ." The nurse spoke to tiffany.

Tiffany nodded and stepped forward, walking into the room with the nurse, I watch her wash her hands and put on a face mask. The nurse brought her over to Arielle and tiffany stared down at her in awe. She turned to looked at me and smiled, I saw a tear roll down her face before she turned back around.

After about 20 minutes tiffany was finally ready to switch places. She stepped out of the room and walked up to me.

"She is gorgeous Tyler, make sure your the best father to her, Treat her like the beautiful princess she is." She said.

"Of course! I plan on spoiling her and making sure she happy 24/7, just like her mother."

"Good! I know at first I was iffy about you wanted to be in her life even though she was pregnant with another mans baby, but I also kept pushing her and told her to give you a chance because there are guys like you in the world and I'm really happy I pushed her because she seems to love you a lot." She finished.

"Thanks for pushing her to me tiff, I'm glad at met her, I love her so much it's sometimes hard to explain.

"Your welcome, now I have to head back to work, I'll stop by The room to say hi to Kiara and then I'll leave but I'll be back after work." She said.

"Sure thing." I said

After tiffany was left I stepped forward and followed the nurse inside the room. She told me to wash my hands at the sink and to put on a mask as well.

"Ok I'm going to need you to take off your shirt." She said.

I looked at her like she was crazy, not understanding why I needed my shirt off.

She saw my face and laughed, "sorry I should've explained first. so we are going to do the skin to skin care. It's where you hold your baby to your bare chest for about an hour. To keep the baby feeling warm, their heart and breathing regular, help with weight gain and help them sleep longer. And I could also help you realize some stress as well." She finished.

She had me at holding Arielle for an hour. I quickly took my shit off and sat in the chair by Arielle incubator. I watch the nurse wash her hand and put on gloves and a mask before going over and taking Arielle out and placing her on my chest.

My chest tighten up and I felt my eyes prickle with tears. I know she isn't my biological daughter but she feels like my daughter and I'm going to make sure that she know I'm her father and I will take care of her and protect her at all cost.

I spent the next hour rubbing her back, rocking her and singing to her. This little girl already had me wrap around her little finger and she knows it.

The nurse came back in to tell me that time was up so I handed her Arielle and put my shirt back on. Time to go check on future wife.

I walked up to the incubator and looked down at Arielle. "I'll be back later baby girl don't worry." I said.

I followed the nurse back up front so that I could find my room and was surprised to she josh standing outside of the door.

"Hey josh." I spoke.

He turned around and smiled at me, " Tyler how are you?" He asked.

"I'm wonderful and how are you?" I replied

"Excited! I can't wait to see the baby. What did you guys name her or you haven't decided yet?"

"Arielle jasmine Jacobs." I said proudly.

"How cutee!!" He shrieked.

I chuckled at him, "why are you just standing out here?" I asked.

"Well I didn't see Kiara in the room and I didn't know if she was using the bathroom or you guys went to go see the baby so I was just waiting." He said.

I frowned, "what do you mean Kiara's not in the room?" I asked.

I walked over to the door and opened it seeing the covers on the floor and the iv hanging from the machine. I checked the bathroom but I didn't see her in there.

"Kiara?!"I yelled.

I ran out of the room and over to the nurses desk. "Have any of you seen my girlfriend she just had a baby like 2 hours ago. I left her in here to sleep but now she's not in there." I said frantically.

The nurse came around the desk and check in the room as well. "I'm maybe she got up and a nurse took her to the NICU." She said.

I ran down the hall and towards the NICU. I looked inside the room and didn't see her. I walked further around the corner and still didn't see anything.

I turned to the nurse that followed me down here. "She couldn't have just gotten up and walked off. She wouldn't do that." I said.

"Um I don't know sir, somethings mothers will have birth and then leave the child here without acknowledging anyone." She said.

I laughed harshly and frowned, "she wouldn't do that I know her. I want to see your cameras and call security." I said.

"Sir we can't- she started but I cut her off

"Your not listening go get security and I want to see you cameras now!" I yelled making the nurse scurry away.

There just no way she just left without letting anyone know, she wouldn't do that.

I was waiting by the nurses desk when security came up to me.

"Sir you can't find your girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes she was sleeping in her room and when I came back to check on her she was gone." I said.

"Ok well we will take you to the security room to check and get this solution resolved." He said.

The security guards, Josh and I got in the elevator and went down to the lobby. After Walking pass the gift shop and the cafe we finally walked up to a door. The security opened it and gestured for me to go inside. We all crowded into the small room.

The guy that was already sitting in here took the piece of paper if the guard and started typing. The screen of our room. You see me waking out of the room 30 minutes later, tiffany walked in and kissed Kiara forehead before leaving.

Then a nurse walked into the room with a wheelchair. She walked over to Kiara and started pulling out her IV. She struggled to get Kiara in the wheelchair but eventually she got her in and wheeled her of the room.

"who the fuck is that?!" i said.

Hey guys I literally started falling asleep during this chapter so if you see any really bad mistakes pls point them out.!!

Also pls vote and share :)   HAPPY READING!

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