Chapter 17

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Kiara's POV

I came to in the hospital bed, lights blinding me. I hear the machine beeping and I look down at my arm and noticed a bunch on wires attached to it. I looked over to my belly and it looked like I was still pregnant, I hope everything is ok. I looked over a notice my phone by the bed. I reach over for it and called Tiffany.

The phone just kept ringing but no answer. I didn't want to be here by myself, this is scaring me. I don't know what I would do if they tell me I lost the baby.

My mind immediately went to Tyler, I could call him. I know he would answer me, he would be here in seconds. If he misses me as much as I miss him. But then again he could want nothing to do with me.

I clicked on his contact and put the phone to my ear. I listen to the phone ring 4 times, he isn't going to answer. I shouldn't have called hi-

I stopped when I hear him answer the phone

"Kiara?" Tyler said.

I moved so that I could sit up more in the bed.

"Hello hello Kiara baby." He said worriedly. He called me baby. Maybe there is still hope.

"T-Tyler." I whispered.

"Yes babygirl." He answered. It's so soothing to hear his voice.

"I need you please." I sniffled, letting a few tears fall, I am so scared right now. I just need some type of support.

"Where are you love?" he said. I hear him quickly moving about and then I hear the sound of keys being picked up.

"At Malone hospital." I mumbled. Everything froze for a second. I thought the call disconnect but then he spoke.

"I'm on my way." He said

I let of a sigh of relief, "ok." I said then hung up.

The doctor chose that moment to walk into the room. He was young, almost looked too young to be a doctor.

"Ah your up. My name is doctor Greenberg." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. "How are you feeling." He said walking over to me with a cup of water.

"I don't know. I'm emotional drained and my body hurts." I said.

"Well that's normal." He said. "I'll get right into to it alright. It seems that your stress level were really high. Stress is not good for the baby at all. If you have been dealing with a lot of stress then this is most likely the reason for the severe pain you were feeling." He said.

"Thankful everything is alright, the baby is perfect but you are being put on bed rest. You need to relax and keep stress free ok?" He said.

"I will definitely do that." I said. "Thank you so much doctor." I said happily

"Very good, we are going to monitor you over night to make sure everything is perfect. A nurse will be in here later to come check your vitals as well." He said.

I nodded my head, smiling. While he was turning to leave the door burst open and in walked Tyler.

"Kiara baby." He rushed over to me. " are you ok?" He asked. Grabbing my face in his hands and staring at me.

"I'm doing better now" I said smiling up at him.

The doctor came back in and filled Tyler in on everything that he told me. I think he assumed Tyler was the father.

"I will make sure she is well rested and Stress free, you don't have to worry doctor." Tyler said.

"Wonderful!" The doctor finally left the room, closing the door behind him.

Tyler grabbed my hand and started placing kisses all over my fingers and my palm.

"I'm so glad your ok." He said. "I was so worried when you said you were at the hospital." He finished.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." I said.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He said.

It was silent for a moment, Tyler was playing with my finger and I was staring at him.

"Listen Kiara, I want to clarify to you that, I'm not a cheater, I'm not a liar or anything that you might think I am. That night at the restaurant with the women I was with, that was something I was forced to do. Before I met you my mother had date set up for me. She said "I want to see my son settle down before I pass away." I only agree to it because I didn't have a girlfriend or a wife to worry about. The date was completely last minute and I couldn't back out because my mother paid for the service and they didn't give refunds. So I told her this would be the last one and that was it because I found someone I want to be with. I found out after our conversation that the date was at your job and that. Trust me if I could've found someone else to go on that date or canceled it i would've. But at the time I didn't know what to do, So I went. I didn't mean to hurt you I promise." He said.

I brought my hand up to his face and rubbed his cheek. "I believe you and I understand. Just don't do that shit again." I said.

He laughed , " I would never." He said.

I moved over on the hospital bed.

"Come lay with me?" I asked.

He looked at me with a shocked expression. "Wouldn't I hurt you." He said.

"No I'm fine come on." I said.

He got in to bed and lay down. I slowly turned over and rest my head on his chest. I felt bad because my belly was in the way but he wasn't complaining.

"Your breath stinks." He said covering his nose.

I gasped loudly and punched him in his stomach, "shut your ass up." I said, rolling my eyes.

He laughed like a lunatic, it wasn't even that funny.

We messed around and talked for a little while before I realized that Tyler fell asleep. I picked my phone up and text Tiffany. Letting her know that I'm in the hospital and that I'm ok because Tyler is with me.

It was around 2am when the nurse came in to check my vital. She looked at Tyler in the bed and then looked at me.

"He's not suppose to be in the bed with you." She said scolding me.

"I'm sorry but please let him stay, he's already sleeping." I whispered.

"Fine but I can't help you if the other nurse doesn't let him stay." she said rolling her eyes.

"I'll figure that out when she get here." I said smiling at her.

She chuckled and then continued on checking my vitals.

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