Chapter 58

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Kiara's POV

The moment I pulled up to the house Skai jumped out of the car and ran inside the house. I wasn't moving as quick as her because I felt completely drained. I made my way inside and placed my bag on the table.

Tiffany walked out of the kitchen holding Arielle in here arms. Tyler had to go into the office so I asked Tiff to watch over Ari while I was out.

"How'd it go sis." She asked while trying to adjust Ari Onesie.

When I didn't say anything, she looked up and noticed my facial expression.

"That bad huh?"

I nodded my head and sighed heavily, walking into the kitchen so that I could get something to drink.

I really don't know how to feel right now. I kind of just want curl up and cry but for some reason I'm not crying. I haven't shed one tear, maybe I don't care as much as I think I do.

After I chugged the bottle of water that I got I walked over to tiffany and took Arielle out of her hands. I hugged her too my chest, inhaling her scent. Having her in my arms made the feeling of calmness wash over me . A single tear fell from my eye and I quickly swipe at it hoping that tiffany didn't notice it.

I just can't get over the fact that our not shit sperm donor could treat us like that. I could understand if he treated me like that because He didn't know me but he shouldn't have treated Skai like that, he was in her life for 7 years before he left.

I just feel so bad for Skai because I know she loves him. She spent a good amount of her life with him and even though it probably wasn't the best, it was enough. I just want to hold her, comfort her and make sure she's alright.

I looked down to see that Ari had fell asleep in my arms, "Here I'll go put her down for you." Tiffany said holding out her arms for her.

I handed her over and watch them walk down the hall and into her room. I walked back into the kitchen pulling out another bottle of water, feeling thirsty as hell.

I hear faint footsteps walking pass the kitchen, I look up and see Skai sneaking to the front door.

"Um where are you going?" I asked. I see her jump as if she was surprised to here my voice.

"I- um for a walk." She said.

I can't tell that she was lying to me but I didn't want to bother her about it knowing that she probably just wanted to have alone time.

I walked over to her and gave her a hug as a way of letting her know that I was here for her, "ok be safe."

She nodded her head and walk out the door. I stood there for a second, contemplating if letting her leave instead of talking to me was the right thing to do.

I walked over to the window and look outside, seeing a car park by the curb and Skai was getting in it. It looked like she was in there with a guy. I didn't know she had a boyfriend, I thought.

I watch him bring his hand up and swipe at her face, probably wiping at her tears. I stand there and watch their whole interaction before Skai turned and look at me from the car window while they drove away, I tried to move away from the window before she saw me but I think i was too late.

I sat down on the couch and place my head in my hands and let out a deep breath. I felt tiffany come over and sit next to me, putting her arms around.

"It's going to be ok babe" she said.

I heard the front door open and slam shut, I looked up to see Tyler quickly walking into the living room with sad expression on his face. I don't know what it is or why it happened but the moment I looked at Tyler the tears started pouring out of my face. I quickly stood up and walked right into his arms.

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