Chapter 45

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Tyler's POV

I walk into the lobby with two of the four men behind me. Skai is sitting in between tiffany and my mother in the corner of the room. I can see that Skai and Tiffany are silently crying as my mother is tries to comfort them as much as she can without crying. The moment Skai noticed me walking towards them she jumped out of her seat and ran over to me.

"Have you found her ? Is she ok? What's happening?" She asked without taking a breath.

"Skai don't worry, I'm gonna get your sister back ok?" I said hugging her.

I am grateful that Skai has been with us. I feel like she's a younger sister that I never had and Kiara loves her so I love her too.

Tiffany walked up behind Skai and placed her hands on her shoulders. Skai turned into her arms and hugged her tightly. Tiffany looked at me while rubbing Skai back and then at the guys behind me. I gave her a silent look trying not to say anything that Skai doesn't need to hear.

"For Kiara?" She mouthed over Skai's head.

I nod my head and stared at her. She looked down for a second and then looked back up and smiled.

"I gave the hospital permission to allow you to go and see Arielle whenever you want. I don't know how long I'm going to be gone but take care of my babygirl please." I said.

"Of course." Tiffany whispered. "Please bring Ki back."

"Of course." I said walking over to my mom.

Once I got to her I leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be back soon mom, watch over Arielle, Skai and Tiffany."

"Where are you going." She frowned.

"To get Kiara." I replied.

"You found her?" My mother said with excitement in her voice.

"Yes and I'm going to bring her back home."

"Good, now go get my daughter in-law" she said.

I looked at her in shock, I haven't even proposed to Kiara... yet, but my mother sure is jumping to conclusions .

"How do you know I'm going to marry her?" I said.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Ohhh shut up, I'm honestly surprised you haven't proposed yet with the way you look at that girl."

"Women." I corrected her. "She's a grown women."

"Your right and she is a great women for you so she deserves to be your wife." My mom said still pushing the idea.

I laughed and nodded my head," your right about that one." I said.

"Love you be safe." She said.

"Love you too."

I walked outside with the two men still following behind me. When I got outside my phone started ringing and a black SUV pulled up in front of me with the other two guys in it.

I took out my phone and answered it knowing that it was Antonio, "what do you have for me." I answer.

"So it turns out that Vanessa was just was just a delivery man, I had someone hack her messages and it turns out she was told by a man name Dante to kidnap Kiara from the hospital when no one was around and bring her to the abandon building." He finished.

I frowned, "Dante, Dante, Dante" I repeated trying to figure out where I heard that name.

"Her ex Dante?" I asked getting into the back seat of the SUV

"Hmm we don't know yet my guy is trying to find out since we don't have a last name or face to go off of." He said.

"I think it's her ex, she's only told me about one Dante and it was her ex."

"Well it's seem like he's working by himself, we were only able to get shots of him from the camera across the street. If there is someone else then we haven't gotten a visualize them." He finished.

"Ok thanks Antonio, I owe you one." I said.

"Mhm" he said before hanging up.
Kiara's POV

I bolt upright, immediately grabbing for my head when I felt the throbbing pain in the back of my skull.

I looked around noticing that Dante put me back into the same room as before. I tried to get away but he overpowered me. I didn't expect him to move so fast even after I threw a punch to his cheek with the screw in between my fingers.

I don't know how long I've been out but I Thank god that we didn't go anywhere like he said we would.

I scoot back against the walls, wrapping my arms around myself. I felt something a wet on my shirt and I looked down to see me my shirt had small droplets of blood on it. It must be from when I punched him with the screw.

I feel proud of myself for being able to fight him off, I heard the door open and I looked over to see Dante walk in with a bandage on both of his cheeks.

"Ahh the little shit is up." He chuckled, "you know if I didn't love you so much I would've killed you already, look what you did to my face."

"You should just kill me cause I don't love you." I said rolling my eyes.

"It don't matter cause I'll love you enough for the both of us." He said.

"Fucking creep." I whispered under my breath.

"What did you just say?" He yelled.

"Nothing." I replied quickly.

"I thought so."

He walked closer to me and bent down in front of me. "Now we will be leaving and ten minutes and I won't be having none of that shit you pulled last time. When I come back in here I will be tying you up so don't expect to get away."

I sighed and looked down feeling defeated, I was hoping Tyler, the cops, or someone would find me and save me from this crazy bitch buy i guess not.

He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my head, "Aww don't look so sad hun, we'll have the time of our lives."

I smacked his hand away, getting annoyed at him and his smelly ass breath.

"Aye watch yourself." He said.

"Whatever Dante." I said.

He stood up and walked out the door, Locking it behind him. I sighed heavily and went back to the position I was in before he walked his ugly ass in here.

I only got to hold my daughter once and now I won't be able to see or touch her for who knows how long. I swear whenever I get the chance I'm killing this asshole.

I jumped when I heard a loud bang on the other side of the door. Assuming that it might just be Dante doing some dumb shit. Then I heard it again and it dawned on me that they sounded like gunshots. I sat up and scooted further into the corner of the room, afraid of what might be happening.

I heard Dante scream in agony, what the fuck? Could it be Tyler or maybe the police. I haven't heard anyone or thing other than Dante screaming.

I stood up and waited and waited and waited until finally I heard the familiar sound of the keys jingling and the door opening. I looked towards the door hopefully, watching as it open up all the way.

Please be Tyler, please be Tyler, please be Tyler.

I watched a long skinny legs with a pair of tan jimmy coos. I rolled my eyes and looked up into the face of Camille, I thought that bitch left.

"What the fuck do you want." I said.

"I'm here to kill you so I can finally have Tyler to myself." She said smiling.

What the fuck is up with this crazy bitch?!

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