Chapter 20

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Unknown POV

That bitch doesn't deserve to be with him, he is mine. I need to get rid of her so that I can have Tyler to myself. What the fuck does she have that I don't.

I watch them get out of the car and walked into the doctor office while holding hands. Ugh I can't stand the sight of her pregnant ass. Just wait she will go missing soon and never turn up.

"Relax baby we will have our time soon" he said touching my hand.

"Shut up I know that." I said rolling my eyes.

I smirked, soon Tyler will be mine forever.
Tyler's POV

We have been sitting in the waiting room for 15 minutes and I'm getting anxious. I don't know why but I can't wait to go back in the room with Kiara. I know this baby isn't mine but I plan on being with Kiara so that means i will be treating this baby like she is mine and i honestly can't wait to do that.

I've always wanted kids but never had someone I actually wanted to be with, so kids haven't been a thought for a while.

A nurse poked her head out of the door and looked down at her clipboard, "Kiara whitehead?" She yelled.

I got up and turned towards Kiara to help her up. For 6 months her stomach is pretty big, so she has difficulty getting up and putting on her shoes.

We follow the nurse to the back and into a room. I help Kiara get on the table. I go to sit down and watch as the nurse checks on Kiara. After the doctor took her blood pressure and all that other shit she left and closed the door behind her.

"So are they just checking on the baby today?" I asked.

"Yeah just an ultra sound, after everything happened the other day, they just want to double check that I'm alright." She said.

I nodded my head, I hope everything is alright. I would be devastated if anything happened to Kiara.

There was a knock at the door before it opened. The doctor walked in all smiley.

Hii Kiara! How are you hun?" The doctor asked.

"I'm doing better. And how are you?" Kiara asked her.

"I'm doing well, and who is this?." The doctor asked turning to me.

"My name is Tyler Jacobs, nice to me you." I said holding out my hand.

"Nice to meet you mr. jacob, my name is Dr. Sánchez, are you the father?" She said, Shaking my hand.

"No I'm not biologically but I will definitely be in the babies life." I said smiling.

I can tell Kiara was staring at me but I didn't acknowledge her. The doctor nodded her head smiling at.

"Ok let's get started then." The doctor said.

She put the blue gel on Kiara stomach and then use this weird looking thing to rub it in. The screen that was once black lit up. Show a black and white image. At first I didn't notice anything but the I saw the baby's hand, then her head, legs, and arms and I fell in love.

The sound of fast thumping filled the room and I frowned a bit confused at the sound until I realized it was the baby's heartbeat. I looked over to Kiara to see that she was smiling. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly while I stared the screen in amusement.

"Well everything looks perfect, the heartbeat is strong and your at a healthy weight. Keep up the good work Kiara." She said. "Do you want the picture?

"Yes!" I said quickly before Kiara could answer.

She laughed at me and looked at the doctor. "Yes I would like the picture." She said.

Dr. Sánchez wiped the gel off of Kiara body and then handed her the picture. I wanted to she the picture so bad but I wasn't going to snatch it out of Kiara's hand so I waited patiently.

Kiara held out her hand indicating that she needed help getting up. I stood up and pulled her up to a sitting position before helping her stand up.

"You want the picture?" She said smirking at me.

"Like to keep it ?" I asked hopeful.

She laughed and nodded her head. "Yes to keep." She said.

"Of course I want to keep it!" I said taking it out of her hand. I stared at the picture amazed that she has this babygirl growing in her.

"Come on we can go to my moms house." I said.

"Right now?!" She said.

I grabbed her hand and we walked outside. "Yes right now." I chuckled.

"But but b-but." She stuttered.

"Everything is going to be fine Kiara just relax." I said kissing her before placing her in the car.

I ran around to the other side and got in. I looked over to her to see her playing with her hands nervously.

I started the car and pulled off, placing my hand on her thigh and squeezing. The drive was going to be an hour and 30 minutes long.
Kiara's POV

I am so nervous, I don't know why I'm nervously but what if his mother doesn't like me. What if she's racist and calls me names and shit. I don't want it to be like the movie get out. I want to live the rest of my life.

We pull into a nice big white house with blue shutter and stairs that lead up to the blue front door. The drive way was one of those ones that went around in a half circle that had flowers going around it. There were flowers all over the front yard, making the house seem nice and welcoming. It was absolutely beautiful.

Tyler helped me out of the car and we walked to the front door. He rang the doorbell and we waited. Tyler turn me to him, grabbing my face and looking me in the eyes.

"Everything is going to be great ok." He said giving me another kiss.

The front door opened right as we were going to pull away. Standing at the door was a beautiful older lady with short grey hair and a beautiful smile. Her eyes were the same as Tyler's eyes. He definitely looked just like his mother.

"Omg how beautiful you are." She gushed, coming closer to me. She grabbed my face and kissed my cheeks.

"Tyler has told me so much about you and I have just been dying to meet you love." She said. Pulling us in the house, I was immediately assaulted with many different delicious scent. I was so fucking hungry.

"I made a bunch of food for you guys to eat, so I hope your hungry." She said. She looked down at my belly and looked at me. "Can I touch?" She asked.

I nod my head happy to see that she isn't against me being pregnant. She touched my belly and made cooing nosies the whole time, I think she's in love.

We sat down and ate a bunch of food plus dessert I was so full that I thought I wouldn't be able to get up. I was having a great time with his mother. She was insanely sweet and I couldn't wait for my child to me her. She reminded me so much of my mother that it made me want to cry.

I think Tyler noticed my mood change because he pulled me close and hugged me. That made me feel 10x better. I was starting to have huge feelings for him. I just hope to god that shit didn't go south.

But first I also have to deal with whoever has been sending me these disturbing text.

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