Chapter 53

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Before we start this chapter I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm dumb as hell lol. I definitely forgot that there were things called holidays and that the biggest ones are in November and December. As you guys know Kiara had Arielle in mid October and I skipped a month so basically I am a couple of days away from thanksgiving and that's what this chapter will be about. I As you can also see I didn't get to Halloween. Please don't mind me I'm slow ofc but I will be updating and will try to fit Halloween in there. Enjoy reading ❤️

This chapter is dedicated to KimK002
Tiffany's POV *2 weeks later

I was driving to Tyler's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Since my family doesn't live out here I can't spend thanksgiving with them usual Kiara and I would cook something and binge watch a show on Netflix but shit is different now.

Skai was in the passenger seat on her phone as usual. I looked over at her and she was blushing and trying to hide her smile.

"Um excuse me? Who are you texting that has you smiling like that?" I asked turning down the radio some.

"U-um nothing." She said.

I stopped at the red light and gave her that 'girl I know you lying look.' "Girl spill the beans, I promise I won't tell your sister." I said Slightly lying.

"Well there is this guy at school, his name is trey and he's really really cute. He's sweet, funny and charming. Problem is he's popular and known as a fuck boy. Every girl wants to get with him and I just don't know if I want to be fighting for his attention. I'm not outgoing or a social butterfly so I really don't have friends, no one knows me and I know if I start dating him or whatever people are going to talk." She said.

"Girl Who the fuck cares about what other people say. If I were you I would snatch him up and show everybody that he chose me and not them." I said driving forward when the light turned green.

"I don't know tiff, what if he doesn't really want me and just wants to play with the ugly new girls feelings before he graduates."

"First off Skai your not ugly so shut up and second he's a senior ?" I asked.

"Yeah." She mutters.

"Lawd." I said slapping my forehead. "So he's going to go off to college and you have 1 more year of high school." I said.

She nods her head and looked away.

"Ok so i-" I stop short not knowing what to say, "I know I said I wouldn't tell Kiara but I think I should so that she could give you some advice because i don't know what to say." I chuckled.

She sighed and leaned back. "Ok then."

"I don't know what your worried about, Kiara is going to be happy you got a little boyfriend now Tyler on the other hand....." I trailed off.

I laughed when she groaned loudly and turned up the radio. I kept laughing until we finally made it to Tyler's house.

I walked into the house and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of all the good food that was being made. This is the only time of the year that I could eat anything and everything without getting shit from anybody.

"TIFFANY!!" I heard Kiara yell my name.

"KI BABY!!" I yelled watching her run towards me with her arms open wide.

Tyler told me that his friend Antonio came by to talk to her and ever since he did she's been doing a lot better. She was actually making an effort rather than being depressed all day. He also said that she was doing well with her therapist and shit was starting to look up for them.

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