Chapter 29

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Kiara's POV

"Vanessa." I said through gritted teeth.

I noticed that she kept looking down at my belly and back up to me. I guess trying to figure of if Dante my baby father or not.

"Oh your pregnant." She said with annoyance.

"Yeah I am, so what?" I spoke, placing my hands on my hip.

"Hmm Dante is the father?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, "that's none of your business." I said.

She let out a slight chuckle. "You know... we used to be friends once ki." She said.

I heard the elevator door ping, I wanted to get away from this girl so bad. "Bitch dont call me ki like we cool, cause we not. And exactly we used to be friends. Key term used." I said with a smile.

"Whatever, have fun dealing with Dante." I said getting ready to walk away.

"Aww what happened Vanessa he didn't want you anymore." I asked sticking out my bottom lip and pouting like I was sad. I lifted my hand and wiped a fake ass tear from my eye.

She stopped and turned to me. "Whatever Kiara, you always thought you were better than everyone with that fake ass weave in your head." She said

I laughed, "Girl bye, fake where this all me. You tried it though. And you just a jealous lame ass bitch that has to steal other bitches mans just to be happy."

"Fuck you Kiara, I didn't have to steal shit, he came to me... he wanted me." She said lifting her head slightly like she was confident with her answer.

"If that helps you sleep at night. You can keep him though, don't nobody want him over here." I said walking back to the elevator.

" I know that ain't Vanessa ugly ass." Tiffany said walking down the hall.

From where I'm standing I can see Vanessa stiffened. They never really liked each other because Vanessa thought Tiffany was too aggressive and Tiffany thought Vanessa was a pussy ass bitch, which she is. When Vanessa did me dirty and slept with Dante Tiffany beat her ass. You would've thought she did something to Tiffany.

"Tiffany how wonderful , your here too." Vanessa said through gritted teeth

When Tiffany got close enough she held up her hand like she was going to hit Vanessa. And when Vanessa saw her hand she flinched away from Tiffany.  Tiffany put her hand down and laughed while she walked over to me.

"Still a scary bitch huh?" Tiffany asked.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and walked off. "Whatever." I heard her mumble under her breath.

I turned to look at Tiffany, " I hate that hoe." I said.

" I'm surprised she still works her with her stupid ass. You should be still working here." Tiffany

The elevator doors opened again and Tiffany and I walked in. There was a couple people already in there but it wasn't packed. We went down to the food court.

"I don't know about you but when Tyler yelled at you to go eat.... I felt my pussy throb." She said laughing.

I slapped her arm, "hoe don't fantasize about my man I'll fuck you up, pregnant and all." I said laughing with her.

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