Chapter 2

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Tyler's POV

I lean back in my office chair while I'm tapping my finger on my chin.

I really need to shave my beard....

I'm not gone lie, I was distracted and my assistant has been sitting across from me for the last forty-five minutes talking about some shit that I'm sure I need to be paying attention to but I'm bored as hell and I'm tired. I've been working my ass off for the last couple of weeks and I ready to take a break, take a night off and go out, maybe even meet someone and have a little fun.

The girl that I fucked with last night wasn't too bad. I can't really remember her name, I might have been Emily, ember, or Emma, i don't know.... but all I know is that she can suck dick like a pro! Not only that but the sex was phenomenal. I looked down and see a slight tint in my suit pants and reached down to adjust myself.

Ah fuck I can't be getting hard while I'm at work but just the thought of sinking my di-

"M-mr. Jacobs did you hear what I said?" My assistant said.

I looked up at him, watching him nervously squirm around in the chair.

"Honestly no." I say. "And I honestly don't care at the moment." I deadpan while shrugging my shoulders. "To be honest Im ready to get the fuck out of here and find a girl with a nice body that I can have some fun with, If you know what I mean." I say, wiggling my eyebrows while laughing.

My assistant Jameson (I think) start laughing with me and I immediately stopped and stare at him with a straight face just to fuck with him.

"Something funny?!" I raise my eyebrow.

"U-uh no sir." He sputters out.

I smiled and laughed "just fucking with u Jami, now get the fuck out." I deadpan

He hurriedly turned around and walked out. I spun around and got up from my chair and slowly walked over the floor to ceiling windows and looked out at the other buildings and skyscrapers around me.

I've came a long way from where I use to be and I'm proud of myself. I'm not like most guys that had the fathers business handed down to them from generation to generation because I didn't have a father figure to help guide me into being the successful man that I am. I of course had my mother to teach me the basics and she did an awesome job but the rest of it.....This was all me.

I turned around back toward my desk and looked around at my office. I need the maid to come clean in here, it was starting to get a little dusty. I would honestly clean it myself but it was too big and I just don't have the time.

I loved my office and usually spend most of my time in here. It had a big light brown desk with a picture of my mother and I sitting on one side along with my laptop and some files scattered here and there.

I had dark wood flooring with a cream colored rug that matched the walls and the shelving and cabinets matched the desk. I had a love seat in one corner with some throw pillows and a tv hanging across from the love seat. I had different canvases hanging on whatever part of the wall had available space, one thing I didn't like was empty walls so I made sure that there was always a piece of art covering the wall. I'm not an interior designer or anything but I just know what I like and what to put together.

I sit down in my desk chair and opened my laptop. If I wanted to leave early then I was gonna need to finish up the important shit first and checking my emails was important. I needed to make sure that everything was moving perfectly and there were no problems with my clients.

I didn't even get two full words typed into my email when the small Intercom at the end of my desk buzzed.

"What?" I groaned.

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