Chapter 43

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Tyler's POV

It's been about 4 hours and I still haven't found out where Kiara's at. I'm worried about her, she just had a fucking baby and someone kidnapped her.

From what Tiffany has told me, the person that took out of the hospital was some girl named Vanessa, their ex-best friend or whatever. Apparently this is the girl that Kiara's ex cheated on her with. She said that she would unblock Vanessa and try to get in touch with her.but she hasn't yet so we are waiting.

We called the cops and played the video feed for them, they said they would have people out searching for her as soon as possible but I feel like they aren't doing shit.

I slammed my fist into the wall outside of the security room, people that were walking passed stop and stared at me. I slide down the wall, sitting down on the floor with my head in my hands.

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder and pat my back. I looked up to see Derrick and nick standing in front of me.

"We're going to find her bro, don't worry." Derrick said.

"What if Vanessa did something to her? I can't live without her man. I finally found the girl I love and want to spend the rest of my life with and someone took her from me!" I said standing up.

"What if something happens to her? How am I suppose to raise Arielle only I've never had a child I don't know what to do!" I yelled.

Nick walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug. "It's going to be alright Ty, your going to get her back." He said.

I pulled out of his embrace and started to pace back and forth when something something.....or should I say someone popped up in my head.

"I'll be right back." I said running down the hall. I made it outside and took my phone out and dialed his number.

"Tyler....what can I do for you." He answered.

"Antonio, I need you help." I said.

"Hmm, I never thought I would see the day that tyler Jacobs would ask me for help. It's always me coming to you for help with something but today it's the other way around." He said. "What is it that you need?"

"Kiara's been kidnapped." I said breathlessly.

"Hmm really now." He said casually.

"Yes and I need your help. It seems like the cops aren't doing shit and we know who took Kiara but we don't know where and We have no way of finding out." I finished.

"What's the person who took her name?" He asked.

"Vanessa, all I know is her first name. I could run and ask Tiffany for her last name." I said getting ready to go back inside to find Tiffany.

"No need, I will call you back in exactly thirty minutes." He said.

The phone went dead and I took it away from my ear to check if he hung up and he did. I guess I'll wait for him to call me back, he's a man of his word so I know he will call me back. Hopefully he can get me some information.
Kiara's POV

I've been sitting here for about 4 hours now, with nothing to eat or drink. I'm shivering in the corner of the room trying not to look at Vanessa dead body about 10 feet away from me.

Yeah that's right. These motherfuckers left her dead body in the room with me and haven't came to remove her yet.

I don't condone violence..... unless you deserve it and that bitch deserved it, sorry not sorry.

I'm just waiting for Tyler to come save me from these crazy fucks. If I know him as well as I think I do then he definitely check the hospital cameras and Tiff told him who took me.  Only thing I'm worried about is how they are going to find me. I can't really do much with my hands tied but I could try to convince Dante to untie me.

Speaking of the dumb bitch, I hear keys jingling and then the room door opening. He walked in with a Burger King bag and a paper plate in his hand. I don't know how many times I've told this shit head that I don't like Burger King but of course he never listened to me.

"I brought you some food." He said placing the plate on the floor and taking the food out of the bag.

"I don't like Burger King and you know that." I said.

"You get what you get and don't get upset." He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes, "Fucking dickhead." I whispered under my breath.

"What? What did you say? Speak up."

"I said YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD!" I yelled.

He walked up to me and backhanded me. I felt the hot, searing pain of the slap racing up the side of my face and neck.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck." I yelled in pain.

"That should shut you the fuck up. Disrespecting me like I'm some type of bitch." He scoffed.

You are a bitch. I thought in my head, not wanting to get slapped again.

He bent down and went back to taking the food out of the bag and placing it on the plate. He got 2 crispy chicken sandwiches and some fries with a bottle of water.

He slide the plate in front of me and stood up, "hurry up and eat." He spoke.

"How am I suppose to eat with my hands tied?" I questioned him.

"Figure it out." He said getting ready to walk away.

"Dante come on I'm sorry, pls I would really like to eat with my hands un tied." I pleaded.

"Fine, but if you try anything I'll kill you." He said smiling evilly.

"Ok ok." I said trying to act like I was afraid of him.

He finally untied my hands and I rubbed my wrist trying to soothe the feeling in my wrist.

"Thank you." I muttered under my breath.

"Mmhm when I come back you better be done eating." He said.

I rolled my eyes and watch him walk out of the room. I looked down at the food and almost gagged. I've hated Burger King ever since I stopped at one in a different town and found a bug in it.

I slowly pick up the sandwich and took a small bite. If I wasn't so hungry I would chew this food up and spit it in Dante face but I don't want to waste any of it, ain't no tell when I'll eat again.

After I taste the tiny piece of the sandwich, I realize i was hungrier than I thought. I started stuffing my face, finishing off the first sandwich in 3 bites. I ate the rest of the food in less than 2 minutes then swallowed the bottles of water.

Damn he should've bought chicken nuggets instead, I thought. I pushed the plate away from me and that's when I noticed that Vanessa dead body was still in here. What the hell, how could I forgot that she was in here.

Next time he comes in here I'm forcing him to take her body out cause I'm sure she'll start to stink.

I leaned back further into the wall and looked up at the ceiling. I hope Tyler finds me fast because I don't know how long Dante is going to keep me here but I know he is going to flee sooner or later and he will take me with him and I really don't want to go anywhere with this shit head.

I wrap my arms around my body and close my eyes. All I could do is sleep, so that's what I'm gonna do until Ty comes to save me.

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