Chapter 22

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Kiara's POV

Tyler wasn't lying when he said we had a couple. He woke me up multiple time through the night to fuck me. Now I'm sore and tired as hell.

I got up slowly and went to the bathroom, I had to pee so bad and I was hungry. I use the toilet and than brush my teeth. I went back into the room and grabbed Tyler's shirt from the floor and put it on.

I walked out of the room going to the kitchen so I can make some breakfast. I was halfway to the kitchen when I heard a small bang. I halt in my steps confused as to what that could be since Tyler was still sleeping. I slowly creeped around the corner and ran right into a hard chest.

I screamed and step back with my hand on my chest. At the moment Tyler ran out of his room looking around frantically.

"Kiara are you ok?!" He said worried.

His eyes moved from me to the man that was standing in front of me. He frowned and stared at him.

"Derrick what the fuck are you doing here." He said yelling.

Wait... he knows him?!

"Oh shit my bad ty. I sent you a message last night telling you I was going to be stopping by today because I was in town. And I knocked but you didn't answer so I use the key u gave me" he said with a guilty expression.

"Hello I'm Derrick nice to meet you." He said holding out his hand.

I placed my hand in his and he brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss on my hand.

"I'm Kiara nice to meet you too." I said pulling my hand away.

"Stop with that shit Derrick." Tyler said pulling me behind him. "Go put on some pants baby." He told me.

"So you finally settled down ty, wow this is surprising." Derrick said.

I walked off and went to put on some pant. Derrick was also really gorgeous, if I didn't know Tyler I would say him and Derrick looked like brother. Derrick has a shaved head with huge beard. But they had similar facial features.

I walked back to the kitchen to see Derrick and Tyler talking. I noticed Tyler was making breakfast so I sat down instead of going to the fridge.

"Babe this is one of my best friends. I grew up with him." Tyler said. "And Derrick this is my girlfriend Kiara.

Girlfriend? Did he call me his girlfriend! My heart jumped and I was so happy that he called me his girlfriend. We didn't really add any labels to our relationship so to hear him call me his girlfriend really makes me excited.

"Well it's shocking, but nice to meet the first girl to tie Tyler down." Derrick said.

I laughed and looked over at Tyler. He walked over and placed a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of me with a cup of water.

"Thanks babe." I said.

"Your welcome." he says kissing my forehead.

"I don't get a plate bro." Derrick asked looking heart broken that Tyler didn't give him a plate.

"Make your own." Tyler deadpan.

Derrick rolled his eyes and got up walking in the kitchen and grabbed some eggs out of the fridge.

"So you knocked her up already, how far along are you?" Derrick asked cautiously.

I can see Tyler stiffen a little bit before looking at Derrick with an evil expression.

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