Chapter 46

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Hey guys don't forgot to check out my two other books "chasing Storm" and "damaged", they both have been started but once I finish this book I will be getting more into them! ❤️
Camille's POV

"Ow your both hurting me." I said to the two men dragging me out of the hospitals. Who the fuck are these guys? I know Tyler doesn't have any personal bodyguards so what the fuck.

They push me forward making me stumbled in my heel. I steadied myself and turn around watching them walk back into the hospital.

"Fucking assholes! who the fuck do they think they are!" I yelled to myself.

I strutted through the parking lot towards my Audi R8. I quickly turned my head when I heard some whistle at me.

"Damn mami, you look good." Some random guy. I looked over to see a Hispanic looking man staring at my ass.

"Fuck off." I said and continued walking to my car.

I was furious that Tyler turned me down for that little bitch and her child. What the fuck is he thinking! He's suppose to be smarter than that.

When I first saw him I just knew that we were meant to be together. Even though during our date his mind was somewhere else but I looked pass that and was hoping to have another date but he was to busy staring at Kiara.

I rolled my eyes and unlocked my car door, getting in I started it and raced out of the parking lot.

I would've trapped him If I could've just gotten him to have sex with me that night. Poked a hole in the condom or something, gotten pregnant and become that annoying baby momma.

I stopped at the stoplight and yelled, "FUCK!" I yelled slamming my hand against the steering wheel four times. I took a deep breath and move the strand of hair out of my face. I'm just so tired of him denying me....denying us! It was pissing me off. The main reason for him acting this way was locked up in that building. she is the main problem and I'm going to make sure her and that baby never gets in my way again.

The light turned green and I sped off toward the building, I started laughing hysterically at the thought of whats about to happen. I turned up the radio and sang along to savage by Megan thee Stallion.

Thirty minutes later and I'm pulling up to the abandon building. It's good to see that Dante didn't leave yet. I told him not to leave until I got Tyler distracted.

I only met Dante because I noticed him standing outside of Tyler house looking mad as fuck. I cautiously went up to him and asked him what was the problem and he told me about Kiara. When I realized we both had the same problem I asked him to help me and he agreed as long as he got Kiara back. It was perfect but the plan is falling through so off to plan B.

I open my glove compartment and pulled out my gun and check to make sure it was fully loaded. Hopping out of the car i walked over to the building while hiding the gun behind my back.

I took out the keys and unlocked the door, walking in and closing the door behind me.

"Ohh Dante." I called in a sing song tone.

I watched him walk from around the corner, he had bandages on both his cheeks and I wanted to ask what happened but I kind of don't care.

"Oh you back I see, did you do what needed to be done so that I could leave with Kiara." He asked.

"Nope." I said.

He frowned at me, " then what are you doing? Why are you here-" he stopped talking when he notice the gunI pulled from behind my back.

"W-what are you doing with that." He asked.

My smile widen, "oh nothing." I said then pulled the trigger shooting him in his knee.

He immediately fell to the floor, grabbing at his knee and groaning loudly.

"what the fuck ?!" He yelled.

I frowned at him, "what?" I asked and then shot him in the other leg. "Oops my bad."

He screamed loudly and grabbed the knee that I recently just put a bullet in.

I walked over to him and squat down, "listen I'm sorry, I know I said that I wouldn't do anything crazy but the plan is starting to fall through so I figured instead of you taking Kiara away and Tyler going to look for her.... I'll just kill her." I laughed standing up straight.

"NOOOOO!" He yelled while still groaning in pain.

"Yessss" I said back still laughing. I leaned over and pulled the door keys out of his pocket.

I made me way over to the room that I know he's keeping Kiara in. I turned the key in the door and slowly opened it.

Kiara was standing in the corner, looking like a scared cat.

"Hiii babes!" I shouted smiling happily at her.

I see her roll her eyes, so I point the guy at her head, "Now now Kiara, I'm gonna need you to cut the attitude." I said walking closer to her.

"Why don't you just shot me already, I'm sure it would be better than see your stupid ass face." Kiara said.

I laughed and smile. "Sure why not!" I said shoot her in her shoulder.

"MOTHERFUCKERRRRRR!" Kiara screamed sliding down the wall while holding her shoulder.

I pouted, "Aww pooh, you said I could." I said with a worried expression.

Kiara looked at me with a scared expression. "What the fuck is wrong with you, fucking crazy bitch."

"Your whats wrong with me, you took what was mine And you won't give him back." I yelled.

"Tyler isn't yours sweetie, get a grip." Kiara said in a pain voice.

"He is!!! It was love at first sight, the moment he walked over to me I just knew that he was the one for me."

I see Kiara roll her eyes again, "want me to shoot you in your other shoulder?" I asked.

She shook her head quickly, " Well it doesn't really matter because you will be dead either way. I came her to kill you so that I could have Tyler to myself." I walked closer to her, "you see Tyler will stop looking for you if he knows your dead." I said sweetly.

"Yo your fucking bat shit crazy."

"I know!" I said smiling widely. "Now all I need to do-"

There was a loud bang I quickly turn towards the door, hearing the rush of foot steps coming closer to the room.

"No no no no no no fucking noooooo" I yelled stomping my foot. "This is not how it's suppose to be."

I quickly turned back to face Kiara and pointed my gun at her, "I could still kill you." I whispered. 

I put my finger on the trigger and was just about to pull it when I got pushed hard making the gun go off and my head slammed against the ground.

"Ow what the fuck." I groaned.

"Kiara!" I heard Tyler yelled.

"Omg Tyler finally, she was about to kill me." I heard Kiara say.

I turned around and slowly stood up, I see Kiara and Tyler are hugging so I took the opportunity. picking up the gun I aimed it at Kiara head, she chose that moment to look up and gasped right before a loud gunshot sounded.

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