Chapter 40

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Kiara's POV


It's been 15 hours ! A whole day ! And still no fucking progress! I've Went back to the hospital twice and they sent me home each time. I only moved to 3cm dilated and I'm going through hell.

For the last hour the contractions have been getting stronger and lasting longer. I told Tyler's bitch ass that I should go back to the hospital but he said 'baby we were just there and they sent you home.' He's gonna make me kill him.

"But ba-" he starts.

"Tyler...... I am going to chop your fucking head off if you don't go outside and start the fucking car and DRIVE ME TO THE HOSPITAL." I screamed.

The biggest contractions of I've felt hit me like a freight train.


After the contraction passed I walked over to Tyler and gripped the collar of his shirt.

"I'm going to hurt you Tyler.... really really bad." I whispered.

"Ok ok Let's go." He said hurriedly grabbing my hand and pulling me with him outside.

He help me into the car and ran around to get in on his side. I picked up his phone and called tiffany.

"Tyler??? Did she have the baby?!? is she alright??" She said.

"No I didn't have the baby but I will be cause I'm going back to the hospital and if they tell me I have to go home I'm killing everyone." I said.

"Ok I'm on my way there now." She said hanging up.

Another contraction hit and I reached over and gripped Tyler's hand.

"Oww fuck Kiara, your about to break my hand!" He yelled.

I ignored him while I squeezed his hand tightly and took deep breaths. Finally after a long minute I was able to relax. I looked up and saw that we were at the hospital, I sighed and got out of the car. My whole back was on fire, I just want to cry my eyes out until this is over.

I walked up to the front desk seeing the same girl from earlier.

"Oh you again." The girl sitting at the desk said.

"Yeah it's me, Listen bitch don't give me a fucking attitude. I came back here to have this fucking baby and if they try to send me home again I'm knocking each and everyone of you mothafuckas heads off." I said.

She stared at me wide eyed with her mouth open. "What the fuck you waiting for check me in and call my those nurses down her." I said.

"Babe relax." Tyler said coming up behind me.

"I am relaxed." I scoffed.

Soon the nurses from earlier came around the hall with a wheelchair.

"Welcome back Ms. Whitehead."

"Mhm. Can we please get this over with I'm getting tired of these contractions. The time between is getting shorter and shorter." I said.

"Yes we will check how dilated you are and see what we can do.

Speaking of the fucking devil, another contraction hit me. I can feel Tyler's hands rubbing my shoulders.

"Ohmygodwhatthefuckkkkk!" I yelled. The nurses start moving faster down the hall, trying to get me in the room as fast as possible.

We get to the room and the wait for the contraction to stop before trying to move me. As soon as the help me stand up from the wheelchair I left this warm liquid flowing down my leg. I looked down to see a puddle of water on the floor. I look over at the nurse and back down at the puddle, welp my water just broke.

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