Chapter 51

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Kiara's POV

"Our new house?!?" I whisper yelled.

He chuckled and pulled up the the garage door and parked. He shut off the engine and turned around in his seat to look at me.

"Our new house." He said again.

"Why did you buy a new house , the other one is perfectly fine." I said.

"Your right it is perfectly fine but I figured that we should move and start know." He said.

"Start over?" I repeated.

"Well yeah with everything that happened and all, I felt like moving to a new town with new surrounds would be great for us."

"Oh well let's get out I want to see it." I said.

He hopped out of the front and opened my door for me. I slowly slid my finger out of Ari's hand and remove the car seat from the base. I got out of the car and Tyler reached in and grab the car seat for me.

I stood there waiting and looking around the front yard. My eyes landed on the gate, "Ty what does TK stand for." I asked.

"It's stand for Tyler and Kiara." He said closing the car door. "Come on."

I stared at his back as I watch him walk towards the house.

"Come on slow poke." He said pushing the door open and turning to look at me.

I walked up the stair and through the front door, immediately when I stepped inside I felt at home. I was shocked at how beautiful it was on the inside as well. We stopped in the foyer so that Tyler could take Arielle out of her car seat, I started looking around still in shock while I waited for Tyler.

Straight across there was an archway that lead to what looked like the dining room. To my left there was an open concept living room and kitchen and on the right was an office, a staircase next to it and further down the hall looked like another hallway.

"Tyler this is b-beautiful. when did you do this?" I asked looking at him.

"The day After I found you. I already knew I wanted this house because I've been thinking about buying this house for some time now but when everything that's when I started thinking about us getting away. I had them add-on to the house and had an interior designer get the house ready with furniture, but of course if you want to change stuff then we can do that." He finished.

I was silent, still trying to comprehend all the information he just gave me.

"Do you like it?" He said in a timid voice.

I whipped my head around to look at him, "of course, I love it!" I said moving towards him.

It looked like Arielle woke up while I was staring at the house. He was bouncing her in his arms and I couldn't help but stare at them in awe.

This is my beautiful family. Tyler my sexy ass boyfriend that has loved me for me even though I was pregnant with another mans child. And my beautiful daughter Ari that I've been waiting so long for.

These two perfect human beings are the one of the few that I should be fighting the most for and I've been failing them. I haven't been myself in weeks and it was time to get back to that. I will keep seeing Dr. Craig in order to get my mind right so that I could love and provide for my family.

"I love you Tyler." I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

He looked shocked at first but he shook it off and smiled at me, "I love you too baby, now let's go check out the house." He said grabbing my hand in his and pulling me toward.

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