Chapter 16

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~ 2 months later~
Kiara's POV

Today I decided to get out of the house and go shopping with Tiffany. I'm am 6 months pregnant but I feel like I'm 9 month. Somethings this pregnancy shit takes a toll on me but I have to remember to stay strong. I decided to find out the gender and I was happy to find out that I was having a girl. I'm so excited, every time I think about her I want to do a happy dance.

It's also been 2 months since I've seen or heard from Tyler. I always want to reach out to him and see how he doing. Maybe hear what he had to say to me that night. But I some how always end up stopping myself, thinking it's been too long and he probably moved on already.

Tiffany runs over to me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What's about this one." She says holding up a bright and colorful diaper bag in her hand. I made a disgusted face at it.

"No thank you." I said turning around.

"Bitch what? You don't like it!" She yelled.

I looked around and noticed people were staring at us. I swear this bitch is loud.

"Shut the hell up and no I don't, it's ugly." I said.

"Wow whatever hoe." She said walking away. I chuckled at her sensitive ass.

The hairs on the back on my neck stood up. I turned around to see if anyone was there but I didn't see anyone. For the last couple of week, I've been feeling like someone was watching me. I have also getting these weird text like, "fuck you , I hate you, your a dumb bitch, when I get my hands on you your dead." At first I was worried but as time went on I figured that it might be someone texting the wrong number, so I ignored it. As for someone watching me, I think I just might be paranoid.

Tiffany took me out today because today was my moms birthday and usually I would sit at home and cry my eyes out because I missed her so much. But Tiffany convinced me to do something different, so we decided to go shopping and buy some things for my babygirl.

I picked out a bunch of onesies and little outfits for her. I couldn't wait to hold her, take picture with her  and dress her up.

"Hey Kiara we gotta go, we don't want to miss tonight's episode of power." Tiffany said.

"Ok ok." I said, walking as quickly as I can to the front to pay for some of the things I picked up. We loaded the car up and got in. We stopped by Pizza Hut and bought some pizza and wings and dessert of course and finally made our way home.

30 minutes later we were laid up on the couch, with our feet on the coffee table and power of the tv. Tiffany's phone rang and she got up answer it. She squealed really loud and jumped up and down, before she hung up.

"What's that about." I asked.

"Eric's homeland I'm so excited, he asked me to come over but I told him I'm hanging out with you so he said he will see if he can stop by." She said.

I felt bad that I was keeping her from her boyfriend.

"Just go hang out with him tiff." I said.

"What??" She questioned.

"Bitch your not deaf. I said rolling my eyes.

She laughed and stared at me,"are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, go get some dick." I said laughing. 

She laughed and ran over to me, hugging me tightly. "Thank you babes." She said running into her bed room.

I continued to watch power eating my fourth slice of pizza when Tiffany walked out dressed and ready.

"Ok I'll be back in the morning ok, make sure you lock up if you leaving." She said before slamming the door closed.

Now that she is gone I started to feel lonely. Let me see if I can find anything to occupy my mind, I said standing up. I heard my phone go off and I went to grab it. It was a message From that weird number again.

Weird number: I know you see my messages Kiara , you dumb whore.

I feel like my world just came crashing down. Who is this and how do they know my name. I only have 3 friends, I don't know anyone that would want to hurt me. I know it's not Tyler because no matter what we went through he would never treat me like that. I walked into the bathroom to splash some water on my face. This isn't good, I don't want this to be happening to me. I didn't do anything to deserve this.

I start hyperventilating. "I need to calm down and relax, everything will be alright." I thought, trying to calm myself down. I should go get some water maybe that would help out. I got up to go into the living and felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I leaned over silently crying at how bad it hurts. I thought that maybe it was just a really bad Braxton Hicks but the pain kept going, it honestly felt like it was getting worse.

Grabbed my phone before laying down on the floor and curling into a ball. I should call Tiffany but what if she doesn't get here in time. I decided that calling 911 was my best bet.

"911 whats your emergency?" A women answered.

"I-I'm pregnant a-and the pain is s-so bad p-p-please help. I said clinching in pain.

I felt liquid on my leg and I looked down to see that it was blood. Omg I'm losing the baby, this cant be happening.

"T-there is b-blood, please h-hurry!" I yelled out.

I can hear the women talking to me but the pain is so intense I start blocking here out. It feel like and eternity before the ambulance actually get here. I can hear them trying to get through the front door. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would go open the door. Soon I'm being lifted and placed on a gurney, and rolled outside. There is so much going on, and the pain is so great I start to black out.

"You gotta stay with us ma'am I heard someone yell."

"Open your eyes."

I tried but all I see in blackness.
Tyler's POV

This has been the worst two months of my life. I miss Kiara a lot. I know the short amount of time we spent together shouldn't make me miss her this much. But there's just something about her.

At first I tried everything to get her back, showing up at her place and her job. But Tiffany always answered the door and her managers told me he would ban me from coming there if I kept trying to harass his employee. I would send her messages and try to call but they would all go to voicemail and I wouldn't get a text back.

I was giving her a break but this has gone on for too long. I'm going to get her back real son and I don't care what it takes. I wanted to stop by her place today to see her but my business meeting ran a longer than usual and when I drove passed her house all the light were off and there was no cars in the driveway. I will try again tomorrow.

It was almost 12 am and I was getting ready for bed, I'm mentally and physically exhausted at this point. I went to the bathroom to go brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I walked into my bedroom, I heard my phone ring. I went over to it and saw that it was Kiara calling me. My heart skipped a beat when I read her name, Oh fuck she's calling me. I quickly answered before it stopped ringing.

"Kiara?" I answered happily, I heard some shuffling around but no answer back.

"Hello hello Kiara baby." I said frantically.

"T-Tyler." I heard her whisper.

"Yes babygirl." I answered.

"I need you please." She sniffled.

What the hell, what happened, why is she crying.

"Where are you love?" I asked putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys.

"At Malone hospital." She whispered.

I froze for a second, why was she at the hospital. What happened, I hope she's alright, I hope the baby is alright.

"I'm on my way." I said racing down the stair and hopping in my car.i pulled out as fast as I can and zoomed towards the hospital.

Everything is going to be fine, she is going to be fine.

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