Chapter 36

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Kiara's POV

"Hey, derrick! " I said.

"Ah Kiara, how are you beautiful!" Derrick said giving me a hug and practically lifting me off the floor.

"Derrick, you dickhead put her down." Tyler said.

Derrick put me down and walked over to Tyler and gave him a hug, slapping him on his back.

"Hey man, how you been." he asked.

"I've been doing alright, you? " Tyler asked.

Derrick laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "just dandy." he said.

"Dinners ready everyone." Vivian yelled from the kitchen.

We all walked into the dining room to see the table set and Skai was placing down a pitcher of a dark liquid in the middle of the table.

"What's that Skai." I asked.

"Oh it's iced tea, Mrs. Vivian showed me how to make it." she said proudly.

I sat down at the chair closest to the kitchen and Tyler sat down next to me. Derrick went into the kitchen to help Vivian bring out the food. Derrick placed down a dish filled with pork chops and another that had green beans in it. While Vivian places down some yellow looking rice and mashed potatoes.

"Wow Vivian you cooked all of this ?" I asked.

"Yes honey, I love cooking." she said.

"I can't wait to eat." I said rubbing my hands together like a fiend.

Once everyone was seated and I told tyler to pass me the pork chops.

"Ok greedy." He said.

I slapped his thigh while I watched him drop the biggest piece on my plate.

"One more please." I said.

"Baby no, finish that one first." He said.

I frowned at him and sighed. Derrick started laughing and I turned and glared at him, making him shut the hell up. I piled my plate with the rest of the food and dug in. We were all laughing and talking about different movies and shit that was happening in the world. Derrick was in the middle of telling us about some business deal when someone rang the doorbell.

Tyler pushes back and went to go answer it. A few seconds later Tyler came walking back into the kitchen with tiffany trailing behind him.

"Tiff! Hi babes!" I yelled causing her to look directly at me. I can see that her eyes were red and puffy like she's been crying. I immediately pushed back out of my chair and walked up to her. grabbing her hand, I pulled her with me to the hallway, far enough so that no one would hear us.

"What's wrong?! Are you ok?" I asked.

"No I'm a fucking idiot!" She said.

"What did you do Tiff ?" I asked.

She sighed and wiped her eyes, " I slept with Derrick again.... today actually. I really tried to listen to you but I couldn't, I kind of like him and don't even get me started on the sex. So far I've just been having sex with him and trying to keep my emotions out of it. but it's hard because I already feel something for him but I don't want to deal with the whole complicated ex girlfriend situation." She finished.

"You see, this is why I told you to leave him alone until you know for sure he wasn't dealing with his ex anymore." I said.

"I know I know and he says he's done with her but I can't trust him. But that's not all." She said twisting her finger together.

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