Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV

I was sitting in a booth at the sushi bar waiting for Kiara to show up, she was late. I was tapping my foot impatiently praying that she didn't change her mind about being friends. I was about to call her when I get a text from her saying she is on the way. I let out a sigh of relief. She is still coming so I don't have to worry anymore.

The waiter comes over asking if I wanted anything to drink. I order Kiara and I a water. The waiter walked away and I picked up my phone and started messing around with it. Another 10 minutes passed and I was starting to get nervous again when I saw moment out of the corner of my eye and looked up. Kiara was walking towards the table looking gorgeous as always. I smiled and stood up when she stopped in front of the table.

" hey beautiful." I said while holding out my arms letting her know that I would like a hug.

She blushed and looked down at the floor before she slowly stepped closer to me and hugged me. I held on to her a little longer than necessary before letting her go. We both sat down and picked up our menus.

"I'm sorry , I was watching tv and got side track and didn't realize he time." She said.

"It's ok beautiful , I was waiting patiently." I smiled knowing that I'm lying through my teeth. I was definitely not waiting patiently.

"I got you some water so that you would have something when got here." I said looking down at my menu. I was silent for a bit so I looked up to make sure she didn't run away and she was just staring at me.

"are you ok beautiful?" I asked worried.

That seemed to snap her out of her trance. She laughed slightly.

"Yes I'm alright sorry."she said.

The waiter came back and asked use what we would like to eat.

"Can we have the pan friend pork dumplings as an appetizer." I looked over at Kiara. "What would you like to eat love."

She handed her menu to the waiter and order the chicken teriyaki meal. I order the same thing as her and also added some spicy tuna rolls.

She chuckled slightly and said, "I only ever come here for the chicken teriyaki , it's so good." I looked at her, smiling and looking at her beautiful features. Her nice plump lips, her beautiful eyes that i could stare into all day, the little beauty mark on her chin and the small dimple that only shows when she smiles or laugh.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face." She said while swiping at her face. I laughed and grabbed her hand.

"Nothing is on your face, your just really beautiful." I said making her blush again.

"So tell me about you, I want to know who you are." I said.

"Well there isn't really much to know, I'm 24 years old, I have a degree in nursing, but I'm currently not working anywhere that requires a nurse... unless someone is choking on their food. I don't have any siblings, but I want to get a dog or cat, I don't know yet. My mother recently passed away and I live with my best friend Tiffany. That's it." She said while looking down.

"I'm so sorry about your mom baby." I said rubbing her fingers tenderly.

"It's ok, I'm learning to deal with it. I miss her so much though, she was my rock." She said.

I watch as a one tear fell down her face. I reached over and wiped it away, then picked up her hand and kissed her fingers. At that moment the waiter came over with our food. I reluctantly let go of her hands so that the waiter could place the food down.

After the waiter left, I decided to divert the conversation. "If you don't mind me asking why aren't you working in the hospital you want. " i said.

She sighed, "well my ex was a big problem for had or ups and downs and whenever we would argue and fight he would get really angry. No he never put is hands on me but he was really mean. He would come to my job and make a scene in front of all my co workers, embarrassing me and shit but I was always able to stop him before he got worse. One day he came to my job acting a fool as always, screaming my name, yelling at me, calling me a cheater and I couldn't contain him and my manager was there and she fired me. Every since then I haven't been able to get a job at any hospital or private practice. " she sighed. "Turns our he was the one cheating on me.... with one of my good friends." She finished.

"Well I'm glad he is out of your life because now I can have you." I said smirking.

She blushed again and said, "stop making me blush you asshole." She smiled and I laughed.

For the rest of our meal we ate and talked about everything and anything. Favorite song, favorite movie, favorite book, This was going great. I was really like her and wanted to keep seeing her.

I paid the check and we grabbed our belongs and got up. Grabbing her hand, we walked out of the restaurant and I walked her to her car.

"I'm hoping me could do this again." I said. She opened her car door before turning to face me.

"Me too." She said smiling. I leaned down slowly getting really close to her face. I placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. Even though I really wanted to kiss her lips, I stop myself from doing that so I didn't scare her off. She got in her car and I closed her door for her and stepped back. Waving goodbye she backed out and drove off. That girl is going to be the death of me.
Kiara's POV

He almost kissed me... well his did give me a kiss but his lips almost touched mine. I should've turn my head at the last second and pretended like it was an accident. But I stopped before I made a fool out of myself. The corner of my mouth where he kissed me was tingling like I was shocked by electricity. I have to let him know that I'm pregnant before we get any further into this. I don't want to start catching feeling and then he finds out I'm pregnant and drops me.

I pull into my driveway and get out the car, I go to check the mailbox and pull out a couple of letters. Walking into the house, I see Tiffany and her boyfriend Eric cuddling on the couch.

"Hey lovebirds." I say with a disgusted look.

"Hey bitch! How was the date." Tiffany said

"Hey Kiara." Eric said without looking away from the tv.

"It wasn't a date, it was just lunch." I said rolling my eyes and walking to the kitchen to get something to drink... and maybe something to eat. Yeah I know I just ate but I'm already hungry again.

"Whatever it was a date so deal with it." She said giggling.

Eric looks over to me, "you got a new man?" He asked.

"No" I said quickly.

He laughed and looked back at the tv, "good for u... the other one was a dickhead anyways." He said.

I smiled and poured ranch on my plate of chicken nuggets. Grabbing my drink and phone I walked to my room and sat on my bed thinking about Tyler. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice my phone going off. I looked down at it and saw that it was Tyler texting me.

Mr. huge ego: "I really enjoyed our date and can't wait to see you again. Let's set something up."

Me: "sure when?"

Mr. Huge ego: "what about I cook you dinner tomorrow night."

Me: "I have work :/ Friday?"

Mr. huge ego: "Friday is perfect, I'll pick you at 6 babygirl."

Babygirl..... these pet names he calls me, make my pussy throb.

I was laying down watching tv when Tiffany came into my room.

"Hey I'm sleeping over at Eric's house tonight ok? Be safe ok babes."

I nodded my head at her and told her to be safe too. 6 minutes after 6'clock my phone started ringing. I answered it and it was my job asking me to come in for a couple of hours. I figured I could go in so I can start making more money. I quickly got ready and rush out of the house. I don't think I'll turned off my Tv but it will be ok. Hopefully this shift will be over fast. Damn I forgot to grab something to eat.

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