Chapter 44

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Tyler's POV

I was sitting in the NICU holding my babygirl to my chest, rocking her back and forth.

"We are gonna get your momma back, don't worry princess." I said stroking her soft dark hair.

She was looking up at me, a small pout on her face like she was confused about what was going on. Her eyes start fluttering and then they closed telling me that she finally stop fighting sleep.

I kissed her forehead and cuddled her as close to my chest as possible. I saw a flash of something black from the corner of my eye and I looked over to fucking Camille standing at the window smiling.

What the fuck? I turned back to Arielle and continued to stroke her head.

I heard the door opening and then heels clicking against the floor. I rolled my eyes and looked up just as Camille stopped next to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

"I came to see you babe duh." She let out a sicken laugh.

Ew I gagged mentality.

"You can go now, I'm spending time with my daughter." I said looking away from her.

She snickered, "your daughter? That isn't your daughter, that's the black girls daughter." She said.

I can feel myself getting angrier by the second, "what the fuck did you just say?" I asked getting up and placing Arielle in the incubator.

"I said that ISNT your daughter." She repeated with that stupid ass smirk on her face

"Get the fuck out." I said in a slightly raised voice.

Her smiled dropped and she looked at me in disbelief, "Wait what ?! Why." She said.

I gripped her upper arm and pulled her out of the NICU, not wanting to be loud while the babies slept. 

"Ow Tyler, you hurting me." she yelped.

"Are you fucking stupid? You come in her disrespecting Kiara, telling me that that isn't my daughter." I said pointing at Arielle. "Just because She's not biologically mine doesn't mean I'm not her father." I silently yelled.

"Why though, your taking a reasonability for some bastard child for absolutely no reason, when u could just have your own child." Her eyebrows were knitted in confusion, " you could be with me and we could get married and have beautiful babies.

I clench my fist and stared at her like she had grown two head. "I've never put my hands on a female but you will be the first If you don't get the fuck out of my sight."

She reared her head back ing shock, you would hit me? She questions.

I just stared at her, knowing in my body that I wouldn't put my hands on her, I wasn't raised like that but she doesn't need to know that.

"Just get the fuck out of here. I repeated again turning away from her

"No I'm trying to show you that I-" she stopped suddenly. When I turned back around there was two guys that were wearing all black holding her arm on each side.

"Hey what are you doi-" I was cut of at the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Antonio.

"Hello?" I answered noticing two more men pop up out of no where.

"Tyler. I told you I would call you back and I did." Antonio said.

"What do you have for me?" I asked while anxiously pacing the floor.

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