Chapter 31

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Kiara's POV

When I saw tiffany's message I was beyond shocked. I flew out of the chair and waddled to balcony door and walked outside so I could call tiffany, I'm getting to big for this shit.

She picked up on the first ring, "YOU DID WHAT?" I yelled into my phone.

"I know I know ! I'm stupid I don't know I just gave in." She said.

"Girl usually I would be cheering you on and telling you to go ahead and get fucked, but doesn't he have a girlfriend?!" I replied.

She sighed, " listen this is what happened. He kept calling and texting me asking if we could just hang out as friends, I said yes and we went to lunch together. We talked about a lot and he even told me how him and his ex relationship was complicated. We finished lunch and he wanted to show me his house and I agreed then one thing led to another and the next thing I know we were having sex on his kitchen table." She said all in one breath.

"Oh my lord." I replied . "What are you going to do now?"

She sniffled, "I don't know but I know that I am going to stay away from him." She said.

" Yeah I understand. Don't give in until you know for sure he isn't still with that girl." I said.

"I know and I won't." She said. "I'll talk to you later babes I have to head to work."

"Ok love you." I said and hung up.

Tyler was sitting on the couch while playing on his phone. When I walked back in he looked up at me.

"You ok?" He said with a worried look.

"Yeah just a problem with Tiffany." I said going over to sit next to him.

"Let me guess... it's it about her and Derrick?

"How'd you know, were you listening to my conversation." I asked.

"Did you forgot that Derrick is my friend." He said laughing.

"Oh yeah..." I said l.

He threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

I rest my head on his shoulder and sighed, I looked over at the clock to see that it was 11:15am. "What would u like to do today?"

"I just want to relax today. I don't have to go back to work for another day so I want to spend my last day with you." He said.

"Oohh yay! Ok we could watch some movies, but first I have to go pee." I said walking quickly to the bathroom.

I did my business and walked out of the bathroom. When I got to the living room Tyler was laying on the couch. I went and grabbed both the Tv and sound bar remote and went to lay down with him.

I laid down and he immediately wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled me closer to him, He loves spooning just as much as I do. I turned on the tv and went to netflix.

I was searching through the movies when I came across fifty shades darker and I clicked on it. The moment I clicked on the movie I heard Tyler groan.

"What?!" I asked.

"You really want to watch this." He asked.

"Yeah, I haven't seen it yet so why not." I said.

He made a humming noise and put one of his legs over both of mine. I guess that was him agreeing to it.

I started the movie and everything was going great until a sex scene came on and I instantly got wet. Shit I completely forgot about how much sex is in this movie.

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