Chapter 57

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Sooo no one was going to tell me that For chapter 55 and 56 I wrote characters instead of chapter 😭😭 Lawd.
Kiara's POV

"Alright let's go sis." I said before getting out of the car.

Once we were both out of the car, I met up with her in the front and grabbed her hand. Letting out a deep breath. I know I'm not 100% ready but I need to be here for Skai.

"You remember the room number ?" I asked her.

"Yeah um 215."

"Ok." There was 3 levels so I'm guessing room 215 would be on the second level, so we made our way up the stairs. On the left the number started at 250 and on the right it started at 200.

We turned to the right and started walking towards his room. I was counting down the numbers as we walked, getting more anxious the closer we got.


We were standing in front of the room door, probably look like crazy people. I could tell Skai was nervous because she kept squeezing my hand with her sweaty palm.

I slowly lift my hand, waiting a couple of seconds before knocking on the door. We heard some shuffling around and then the locks being turned on the other side of the door.

The door swung open and there he father.

He looked way older than you would expect, he was said to be 46 but looked like he was turning 65 tomorrow. His eyes were bloodshot and he had no shirt on, showing off his pot belly. He had a small black and gray afro that was nappy as hell with a couple of bald patches here and there. His mustache looked like he was starting to shave it but forgot half way.

"Well look what we have here." He said looking us up and down. "two fine looking ladies coming to give me a good time huh?" He chuckled and then let out a nasty ass cough.

"I know I ain't order no girls tonight, so y'alls must be for somebody else but shidddd,  y'all could come in for a little bit of fun here." he said opening the door wider.

From the little bit of light that was streaming in from the door I could see that the room looked like a hot mess, I could see a women hanging half way off the bed almost like she was dead.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust and cleared my throat, "We aren't here for.....that." I said dragging out my words.

"Then what the fuck y'alls here for.?" He said frowning.

I swear to Christ I wanted to knock his fucking head off his shoulders. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this bullshit, this motherfucker must be on drug or something. He looks like this now, I couldn't even imagine what he was like when he was around Skai.

"Your wesley Jackson right." I said through gritted teeth.

"Damn right."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "we are your daughters." I said holding my breath, not knowing what to expect.

"Daughters? Ion got no- OOOHH!" He said looking between us with wide eyes, "well I'll be motherfucking damned. Who would've thought I could've birth such fine fine fine young ladies." He said while again looking us up and down.

Ew what the fuck!?

I was about to say something rude as fuck but Skai said something first.

"Why'd you leave." She whispered.

"What did you say?" He said stepping closer.

I stepped making sure he wasn't all up in skai's face.

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