Chapter 61

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Kiara's POV

"Oh my god!" I yelled looking at down at Tyler on one knee with a ring in his hand. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my palms were becoming sweaty....I wasn't expecting this.

The ring was absolutely beautiful, the size and designs was stunning

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The ring was absolutely beautiful, the size and designs was stunning

He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, "Kiara baby, I've been wanting to do this for a long time now and I know it might seem like I'm moving too fast but It doesn't feel that way. From the moment I laid eyes on you at that store I knew I wanted to be in your life forever. These past couple of months that I've spent with you have been the best months of my life. I love spending time with you, waking up next to you, laughing with you, kissing you, touching you....I could go on and on but that would take to long." He chuckled then took a deep breath.

"Before you, my life was an endless cycle of bullshit, everyday it was the same shit but now that I have you and Arielle, my life is complete. I am committed to you and Ari, I want to grow old with you and have a football team of kids, I want you to be the first thought I have when I wake up in the morning and the last thought I have before I go to be."

I could barely see at this point, tears were streaming down my face and there was a lump in my throat. I was ugly crying and I knew my makeup looked like a hot mess. But I didn't care because the man that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with feels the same way.

He cleared his throat then looked down at the ring, "So Kiara..." he stopped then looked up, staring at me, "will you marry me?"

"YES YES YES A BILLION FUCKING TIMES!" I said as he slowly slide the ring on my finger. Once he was done I jumped on him. He fell back and I was on top of him placing kisses all over his face.

He gripped my face, wiping the tears from my eyes. "I can't wait to marry you." He whispered.

I sure my ass is hanging out my dress but I could care less, all I could think about is the fact that im engaged to Tyler Jacobs.

I heard the loud sound of multiple people clapping and cheering.

I slowly tried to get up while covering my chest, just in case my titty popped out. Tyler stood up and blocked the view while I fixed my dress.

"Aww how fucking cute! Imma be the best maid of honor. Just wait until we start pla-" Tiffany stopped.

"Tiffany don't you see them having a moment." I heard Derrick say.

Once I was done fixing my dress Tyler move over so that he was standing by my side. I looked up and saw Derrick, Nick, Cynthia, Josh, Vivian, and Skai holding Ari and Tiffany was standing next to us, trying to adjust her dress.

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