Chapter 38

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Tyler's POV

This is bitch is pushing me over the fucking edge. I told her to stay the fuck away and yet she's here again.

I walked further into the office to make sure Kiara was ok. I saw that she was struggling to get up, I walked over to her and helped her stand up then turned to face Camille.

"Why don't you just leave us alone." I said pulling Kiara to me.

"But I want you Tyler." She said seductively, "why don't you quit trying to play house with the black girl and her bastard baby and be with me." She smirked.

"Bitch I know you didn't just fucking disrespect me and my baby." Kiara said stepping forward, "I'll fuck your skinny ass up, pregnant and all."

"Baby step back, your not doing anything." I said. I walked over to my desk and picked up my office phone.

I dialed the receptionist and waited for her to answer. "Yes, I need security up to my office right now."

I can see Camille staying there with her hands on her hips, still smirking. "Ooh come on Tyler stop acting like that baby." She said in a high pitch voice.

"I swear to god, if you don't shut the fuck up." Kiara said.

At that moment two security guards walked in the room. I pointed at Camille and they grabbed her by both her arms and pulled her out of the room. I think still picture that creepy smirk on her face.

"Baby you ok?" I asked Kiara.

"No I'm not I want to beat that bitch up." She said.

"Not today but you can when your not pregnant." I said chuckling.

"I can't believe her, you would think she would give up when someone tell her to leave them alone but obviously she's slow." Kiara sighed.

"I'm saying." I said. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, let's go home." I muttered, I know you probably want to take a nap now."

"you read my mind." She said smiling at me.

We walked hand and hand to the elevator and waited for it to stop on the top floor. I turned her head toward me and lightly kissed her lips. The elevator pinged and I looked up, getting ready to walk inside the elevator.

"Ahh Mr. Jacobs." He said.

"Mr. Ferrari." I forced out, "I didn't know you were stopping by tonight."

He stepped out of the elevator, " just a surprise visit." He chuckled.

"Yes a surprise it is." I clenched my teeth. "Would you like to speak in my office." I asked.

"Absolutely, after you introduce me to this beauty by your side." He spoke.

"This is my girlfriend Kiara, Kiara this is a client of mine Antonio Ferrari." I said.

Fuck I didn't want them meeting, I know that he knows about her but she doesn't know about him and I don't plan on tell her about him. I want to keep her safe and Antonio is a dangerous man, he could turn on me T any moment.

"Hello." Kiara said timidly holding out her hand.

He grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it, "Ciao belle."

I can see Kiara blush but she quickly pulled her hand away and looked down.

I leaned over and whispered to her, "baby I'm sorry, let me just take care of this last thing and then we can go home ok?"

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