Chapter 8

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Kiara's POV

Walking into my apartment I saw Tiffany sitting on the couch. Whenever I work until 12 she stays up and waits for me. I hook my keys on the key holder and then drop my bag on the counter. Taking off my shoes , I walk over to the couch and sit next to Tiffany. I rest my head on her shoulder and sigh.

"Work was really long today." I said.

"Aww , once you get some rest you will feel 10 times better." She said smiling at me.

I nodded, "You wouldn't guess who I seen today." I said

She backed up and turned towards me. "Who did you see?" She asked.

"Tyler."I said.

"Who the fuck is that?" She said loudly.

"Bitch..." I said. I laughed and shook my head, "the fine white man." I said.

"OHHHH OK!! WOAH what happened ??" Tiffany smiled bouncing up and down.

Putting my head down I said "I gave him my number." I mumbled.

"Huh?!? Repeat that bitch, I didn't hear you." She said.

"Girl you know you heard me the fuck." I said rolling my eyes at her.

She looked at me with a shocked expression, "yeah well I ain't think you was going to give in to him." She said. "Remember what you said at the restaurant  Ms. Im gonna playing hard to get." She

"Well he was at my job bothering the fuck out of me so I had to make him go away some how." I said getting up and going into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked for something to eat.

"Hmm so do you plan on talking to him?" She asked.

Taking out the stuff to make a sandwich I said "I don't know to be honest, I guess we'll see."

Tiffany laughed. I turned around and stared at her like she had two heads. Why is she laughing so hard.

"What's so funny bitch?" I questioned.

" oh nothing." She said smiling knowingly. "Well I'm going to go to bed.... sweet dream hoe, don't let the thot bugs bit." She said while walking away. She stopped and then turned to me. "Oh wait.... they already did!" She said cackling down the hallway.

"Gosh I can't stand her." I thought chuckling.

Finishing my sandwich I made my way to my room and took off my work clothes and ready for a shower. I stepped out of the bathroom 45 minutes later, I was ready for bed. I laid in my bed and picked up my phone. Getting ready to browse Instagram until I fall asleep. I notice i had text message from an unknown number. Opening the text it read,

631-555-8453 : "Hey this is Tyler Jacobs, I just wanted to say a sweet dreams babygirl :)."

I guess he starting early huh. Staring at the message I contemplated if I wanted to reply back or not. Nah I'll just leave it alone... for now. I put down my phone and turned over in bed falling into a deep sleep.
Tyler's POV

Waking up, i turn my alarm clock off and sit up. Every morning at 4:30 i wake up and get ready to go to the gym. By the time I'm done at the gym, it will be 6, I usually would come home take a shower, get ready, then go downstairs to eat the breakfast my cook made. Everyday is the same. Picking up my phone, i see I have two messages. One from nick and one from Jameson. I realized kiara didn't reply back. That's alright , I'll keep sending messages until she does, I laughed lightly. I can't wait to make her mine.

Me: Good morning babygirl, I hope you slept well.

I wanted to add more but I didn't want to creep her out, and make her block me or something. I set my phone down and get ready to go off to the gym.

It is now 8 o'clock and I'm walking into my building. I winked at the receptionist and continued into the elevator and up to my office. I walk pass Jameson desk and he was there but I knew he was here because his backpack was on the floor. How old is he again, I thought. Whatever I don't know. Setting up my laptop for the day, I pick up my ear piece and get started. Ten minutes later, Jameson walks in.

"G-good m-morning sir." He said while walking over to me with a cup of coffee. I can see his hand was shaking and I chuckled. He's been working her for 4 months and is still afraid of me.... good.

"Put the coffee down before you spill it!" I yelled.

He started shaking even more before he finally put it down. Jameson is young maybe 21 or something. He said he was still in college and was looking for a job to help build his experience. So I decided to make him an intern. He is very nervous and jumpy, but he gets his work done.

" um s-sorry, are you ready for today's day schedule?" He asked.

I grunted and waved my hand, looking back down at my paperwork.I heard him flipping a bunch of papers before he started.

" at 11am. You have a meeting with the CEO of burns , at 2pm you have a luncheon to attend with board members. And at 4pm you have a meeting with Antonio Ferrari."I looked up at him and waved him out.

Antonio Ferrari, the leader of the biggest gang in New York. I've been doing busy with him for a while now. Any thankful everything has been running smoothly. He is a dangerous man to be working with.

Shifting back in my chair, I thought to myself, "I wonder what he wants." I was snapped out of my thoughts by the pinging of my phone. Grabbing it up I see that it's a text from Kiara.

Babygirl: "good morning Tyler. I slept wonderful."

My smile slowly widen. Baby step Tyler don't scare her off.

Me: "your not going to ask me how I slept?"

Babygirl: "no I'm good."

I laughed, just wait until I can bend her over my knee for her smart ass mouth.

Me: " well I slept wonderful."

I sat there for 5 minutes waiting for a reply and I got nothing. Giving up I put my phone down and started working. She will be mine don't worry.

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