Chapter 13

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Kiara's POV

I woke up with that feeling like I was about to throw up. I was trying to move but Tyler legs were pinning me down to the bed. Making it hard for me to move.

"Tyler." I shook him vigorously.

"Hmm" he mumbled.

"I need to use the bathroom." I said trying to wiggle out of his hold. Finally he lifted his leg and I took off running to the bathroom. I almost didn't make it to the toilet before I started letting out all the lasagna I ate last night. At this point I was dry heaving. I felt Tyler come up behind me and hold my hair while rubbing my back. After two minutes of dry heaving into the toilet, I was finally able to get up.

"You ok?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah just morning sickness." I said chuckling.

Tyler went in this little closet in the bathroom and pulled out a toothbrush for me.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem, what would you like for breakfast?" He asked.

My stomach growled at the mention of breakfast. "Yes please." I said smiling with toothpaste in my mouth.

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. After brushing my teeth I decided to take a quick shower. I open that little pantry and saw some wash clothes and took one. I took a quick shower and got out and put on the shirt he gave me last night. I didn't think I needed the shorts since the shirt was slightly above my knees. I went down stair and my nose was greeted with the wonderful scent of food.

I walked into the kitchen and saw, Egg, bacon, sausage, toast and waffles. I was so excited grab and plate and started loading it up with food. I looked over towards Tyler and saw him staring at my legs. I  slowly sat down at the table and started eating.

"Is something wrong."I asked while stuffing bacon in my mouth.

"Yeah... do you have anything on under the shirt." He asked.

"No just the shirt." I said nonchalantly. I looked at him again a noticed his eyes darken with lust. He licked his lips and kept staring at me.

"Baby I'm hanging on by thread." He said. He held up his thumb and pointer finger leaving half an inch of space between them. "I only have this much controller when I'm around you." He said.

"O-oh I'm sorry, I'll go put the shorts on." I said getting ready to stand up.

"No sit and finish eating." He said, walking over to me with a 2 cups of orange juice and a plate. He set the Orange juice down in front of me, and then sat down and started loading up his plate.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"Your welcome babe. What would you like to do today. I took off work so I can spend the day with u." He said.

I finished chewing and then said," well I have a work later at 5:30 but I have nothing to do before then." I said.

"Perfect. Let me take you shopping so I can spoil you." He said while eating his waffle.

"Oh no Tyler I won't allow you to do that." I said, shaking my head.

"You don't have a choice, We are going." He said firmly.

I scoffed, "you can go by yourself then and leave me here." I said rolling my eyes.

Tyler grabbed my chin and turn my face towards him.

"We could either go together and you pick what you want or I go for you and buy you whatever." He said. " your choice." He turned back to his food and picked up his orange juice, drinking half of the glass.

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