Chapter 49

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Tyler's POV (1 month later)

Kiara hasn't been the same since she's been home from the hospital. It first started with the nightmares that would wake her up in the middle of the night. I tried to ask her about it but she would just tell me it's nothing and that I shouldn't worry, of course I kept worrying and asking her but she didn't give anything up. Then it was things like forgetting to eat or laying in bed all day staring at the wall. She would lie and tell me that her stomach is hurting because of her Period but I don't think she realizes that I've been checking her boxes of tampons and pads to see if she has used any, but they haven't been touched.

Whenever we would go see Arielle she would smile and laugh but I could tell she wasn't all there.

It's been approximately two and a half weeks since we brought Arielle home. I thought that it would bring her back to her old self but she's been getting worst.

I was sitting in my office drinking bourbon as I thought about today incident. I came home from a meeting that was only suppose to be 45 minutes long and it dragged on for another 20 minutes. When I got home Arielle was crying and Kiara was laying in bed crying.


"Kiara." I said walking into the room angrily

She was laying in the bed in her usual spot with the blankets pulled up on her shoulders, I walked around the bed to get a better look at her face.

She was staring at the wall with tears running down her face.

"Kiara what happened?" I asked pulling the blanket down from her shoulder. I sat down next to here and moved the hair out of her face. "Baby you need to talk to me." I said but she didn't budge.

After a few second of silence she finally spoke. "I'm a bad mother." She says. I frown down at her, confused as to what she was talking about. "Ari doesn't like me, she just cries and cries whenever I try to pick her up or try to feed her. That's why you always have to come into her room when she wake up in the middle of the night....she only like you.

"That's not true Ki." I said.

"Then explain to me what it is!" She said getting loud.

"Kiara relax, I really think that everything that happened to you with Dante and Camille is still affecting you and that's why your acting like this. I want you to see a therapist." I said.

"No tyler I'm good, I don't need a therapist." She says sitting up. I can see the dark circles under her eyes, she looked tired as hell.

She gets up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I can tell she's been losing weight, her shirt looks bigger than usual, I'm starting to get worried.

*flashback ends*

I finished off the glass and pick up my phone, I scroll through the contacts and click on tiffany's name.

"Tyler why the hell are you calling me at 12:32 in the morning."

I sighed, "Hey Tiff, I need your help."

She was silent for a second, "what happened?"

"It's Kiara, she needs to see a doctor." I said. She hasn't been herself at all and I'm starting to get worried."

I tell her about what happened when I came home from work today. She was shocked and couldn't believe Kiara was acting like that.

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