Chapter 7

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Tyler's POV

Ms. Sexy is working over at the bar. I think she moved over there to avoid me , but guess what.... you can't avoid me. Camille and I are still sitting in the restaurant. I asked her if she was ready about 10 minutes and she said no because she wanted to order dessert. The waiter came back once already and she still hasn't ordered shit . How annoying. She has just been going on and on about her life, like I really give a fuck. Time to put this to an end. Ms. Sexy is working over at the bar.

Standing up I put the money done for the check plus a huge tip and held out my hand. She took my hand and stood up, using her other hand to straighten out her dress.

"Come on, let's go I'll walk you to your car." I said dryly.

She smiled happily like she was bout to get some dick or something. Little did she know I was going right back into the restaurant once she drove off.

While we were walking out I looked over by the bar and she was still over there. I noticed her watching Camille and I as we walked pass. When she noticed me looking she looked away. I smirked to myself, she is definitely going to be mine... no doubt about it

Walking Camille to her car she stopped and turned too me.

"Thank you for dinner , I really enjoy myself." She said. I grunted and repones and looked down at my watch. Damn already 9:30, this date was longer than it should've been. Camille smile faltered and she quickly looked away.

"Would you like to come over and maybe hang out." She asked shyly. I stared at her for a second before answering.

"I'm sorry but I can't, I have things to do." I said coldly. I'm not going to sugar coat shit or try to be nice. I don't want her so I don't feel the need to lead her on.

"Oh um o-ok then... see you around?" She said.

"Probably not." I said stepping back. I watch her quickly turn around and get in her car. She backed out and drove away before I decided to turn around and go back inside. Your probably wondering why I stayed and watch her drive away, well I might be a dick but I care... slightly.

Walking back inside I told the hostess I wanted to sit at the bar. Going to sit right in front of my women , I stared her down. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Stop acting like that, I'm want to get to know you." I said leaning on my elbows

Rolling her eyes agains she said, "why?"

Laughing I stared at her. "Because your fucking beautiful why else." I smiled

She turned towards me and I look her up and down. My eyes caught her name tag hanging on the waist of her apron. Kiara! Damn even her name is sexy. I just wanna eat her the fuck up.

"Kiara.... what a sexy name." I said smirking
Kiara's POV

Ugh what is he doing here. "Obviously on a date Kiara.", I thought to myself I thought moving to another section of the restaurant would help me avoid him but I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I would look over to him every chance I got, trying to see what he was doing. I'm jealous. Jealous of that girl he is sitting with. I want that to be me sitting and eating dinner with him, and smiling at him. But why... I shouldn't be acting like this over a man I just met. When I saw him and that girl leave I was sad. Sad that I probably won't see him again. Sad that I couldn't talk to him but then I turned around and there he is sitting at the bar... right in front of me. Yeah I know I'm playing hard to get but to be honest I would like to see him beg for me.

With all my past relationship I feel as if I didn't make them work hard enough, but that is going to stop. I want to make sure the man I'm with really loves and wants me. Plus the whole pregnancy thing. I don't know how he would feel about being with a pregnant women I know I wouldn't like that.

"Kiara.... what a sexy name." He said with a smile on his face.

How the fuc-

"How do you know my name, you creep." I said with a frown.

He laughed and stared at me before pointing to my name tag. "Oh yeah... that thing," I thought while looking down at it.

I huff and turned away from him. I heard some shuffling and turn my head to see him move over one seat to be closer to me.

"May I help you." I asked exasperated.

"Yeah actually you can, I would live your number and a chance to take you out." He said.

I scoffed and fully turned to him. "How bout no." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I'm not interested." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, "still playing hard to get huh?" He shifted slightly before place his hand on the table. "Well I'm not taking no for an answer."

Ughh what the fuck is with him.

"If I give you my number will you let's me get back to work." I said.

"What about the date?!" He said.

"No." I said firmly.

"hmm will you answer my text message and call." He asked wearily.

I stared at him dumbfounded before speaking. "Idk if I feel like it." I said.

He thought for a second before he looked at me. He stared into my eyes like he was looking deep into my soul.

"Deal." He said finally.

I grab my note pad and wrote down my number before folding it and handing it to him. He picked it up and took out his phone. I'm guessing he was storing my number in his phone. He looked up and me and smile and that's when I felt my pocket vibrating. I took my phone out and saw a random number.

His smile widen, "just making sure." He said.

Putting my phone in pocket I looked at him and said, "ok now go away."

He chuckled and got up.

"See you around babygirl." He whispered.

I watched him walk towards the door. I looked his body up and down stopping at his ass and staring while he walked out the door.

"Gosh I think I need to change my panties" I thought.

I hope it's not like this all the time.

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