Chapter 6

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~ 2 weeks later ~

Tyler's POV

Damn I can't get that girl out of my head. It's been two weeks and I haven't gotten a call yet. Seems to me like I will have to find her myself. She obviously has to live in this area if she went to the mall over here. Not many people travel to this small town in New York. Yeah My company might be in the city but I live in Malone because it's small and quiet.(Malone is a town name I make up) I figured she must go to the doctors office by the mall since she is pregnant. So I've been driving by there everyday to see if I might catch a glimpse of her. Yeah I know I'm going on a limb here, but I really want her.

I get snapped out of my thought when my car phone rings. I see that it's my mother calling me again for the fifth time today. I reluctantly answered.

"Hello mother." I said dryly.

"Why don't you answer my calls ty." She said angrily.

"Because mom I don't want to go on any of your dates you have planned for me so I'm avoiding you." I said.

She sighed dramatically, like she is the one going on these dates. " I want you to go on the date so that you can find a women. I'm sorry I'm concerned about my son and want him to have a happy live." She said.

"Well mom listen I will talk to you about it later, I just got to work and I have a long morning ahead of me." I said.

" I called to tell you that you have a date tonight with a girl named Camille. Be at the new Mediterranean restaurant Zenobia's by 7." She said quickly.

"Ughh fine mom, I will talk to you later. Love you bye." I said.

"I love you too ty." She said before hanging up.

I got out of my car and walked into the building seeing that new reception walking by. Mm maybe I will have her for lunch. I laughed to myself while getting into the elevator. Today is going to be a long day I thought. Walking out of the elevator I walked past Jameson.

"Hey get me a black coffee with one sugar." I said dismissively while walking into my office and shutting the door. I sat down in my chair and opened my laptop.

Time for work I guess.

Kiara's POV

I'm sitting on the couch watching anime while sitting a bowl of cereal. My life has been so boring lately. All I do is work , sleep , eat and watch tv. This is getting out of hand I need a hobby or something. I placed the bowl down on the coffee table and lift my shirt. I rubbed my stomach and sighed.

"When your born everything will be better." I whisper.

I looked up at the time and realized I need to start getting ready for work soon. I've been working at this new restaurant called Zenobia's and I honestly love it. It's always busy so the tips I get are out of this world. The only down side is that after every shift my feet feel like I've been stepping on spikes. I was working at physicians office but I got fired because Dante kept coming to my job and causing trouble. I applied to the hospital but I haven't gotten any word back. I went through so hard work to become a RN and im not even putting it to any use. I will keep applying to this hospital and hope for the best I guess.

I walked into my room and took out my work clothes , laying them on the bed. I yelled to Alexa to play some Daniel Caesar, I've been in my feels lately. I got in the shower and did my usual hygiene routine. Getting out of the shower I dried off and moistures my skin.

I can't wait to see josh at work. He always lifts my spirits. He's always hitting on me and making everyone think we're together but he is gay as hell. I consider him one of my best friends.

After getting dress and stuffing my hair in another low bun I walked into the kitchen and made a sandwich.... yeah I know but that cereal didn't fill me up. After eating I left.

Pulling into my parking spot I hopped and walked through the back door.

"Heyyyyy everyone!" I yelled happily.

"Hey Kiara !!!" Was yelled back by several of the other employees.

I heard the door connecting the back to the front of restaurant open and in walked josh. Josh was one of those tall light skin guys with a pretty face. Anyone wouldn't know he was gay from just looking at him but once you get to know him you would instantly know he was.

"KIKI BABES!" Josh yelled.

"Joshy bear!" I yelled back.

He gave me a big hug and twirled me around.

"Hey hey , none of that." My manager said.

"Sorry." Josh and I said.

I went to the computer and clocked in for today. Today was one of my short shift 7 - 12am. Usually I work 3:30 - 12. But today I don't. I put on my apron and grab my pad and paper. I walked out front and started with my first customer.

Tyler's POV

"FUCK!" I yelled slamming my hand on the steering wheel.

I hate being late it really bothers me. Even tho I don't want to be on this date being late isn't my thing. I got caught up in my work and didn't realize it was 7 o'clock. I didn't even have time to go shower and change I just left. Now it's 7:25 and I'm speeding down the street almost at the restaurant. I told my mom to let the girl know I will be there.

I just pulled into restaurant and jumped out. Patting down my suit to make sure it wasn't wrinkled before walking into the restaurant.

"Reservation for Tyler Jacobs." I said tho the hostess.

"Right this way!" The girl smiled.

Walking behind her I notice and the Camille girl I'm suppose to be here with. She was pretty dark hair and with hazel eyes. Her face looked caked with makeup but aren't all girls face caked with makeup now-a-days. She had on this off the shoulder red dress that actually looked really good. I got to the table and smiled down at her.

"Camille yeah?" I asked.

She smiled and stood up "Yess hi Tyler, how are you?" She asked.

Damn she had some nice tits I thought. I leaned in a kiss her check before sitting down.

"I'm good what about you ?" I asked. Picking up the menu and browsing through it.

"I'm great, just happy to be here." She said happily.

I looked up from my menu and noticed her staring me down with the brightest smile on her face. Damn that fucking creepy. I wished she would look at the menu so we could order and get this shit over with.

Our waiter comes over and ask what what we want to drink and if we were ready to order. Of course , like every other girl that I've been on a date with Camille ordered a salad.....Typically. As Camille was talking my head off during our meal

Halfway through eating I heard a voice that was very familiar. Looking behind me I realized it was the girl. Yes this is my chance to get her name and possibly her number, only if she isn't playing hard to get.

"Psst." I said smiling, trying to get her attention.

She turned around and looked. I noticed her eyes got wider when she noticed who it was. She quickly turned back around walked away. I frowned and turned back around. Hm I'm getting annoyed at her running away from me, I don't understand what she is afraid of. I looked up and notice Camille was staring at me with a weird look.

"Who was that ?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Just a friend." I said dryly. She needs to mind her business

I picked up my utensils and kept eating. I wonder what time she gets off. I looked back and noticed she switch places with the person at the bar. I should go over there and talk to her. But I need to get rid of Camille she's in the way of my plan.

I'll figure something out, Camille around or not I'm going to get that women name and number.

My Dream Girl (BWWM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now