Chapter 12

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Kiara's POV

I woke up to Tyler pick me up out of the car. I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head in between his shoulder and neck. I must have been really tired, since I fell asleep in the car. I don't think the ride was that long but then again I was exhausted.

I heard Tyler trying put the numbers in to unlock the door, me being in his arms must be making that difficult. I was about to get down when I heard the door open and he walked in, kicking the door with his foot.

"You can put me down." I whispered.

He used one of his hands to slid up and rub my back,  "nah I'll keep holding you." He said walking down a hall. I lifted my head a bit and noticed the kitchen while we were walking pass, Geez I'm hungry.

He walk into this big room with a huge bed and set me down on the bed. Looking around I notice everything was a dark grey color. His night stand and dresser were nice and sleek, and his bed had to be a California king. He also had dark grey curtains, I need those in my room.

Tyler opened a door, he walked inside and came back 5 second later with clothes in his hand. He walked over to me and handed me the clothes

"Here put these on, so your more comfortable." He said.

I smiled up and him and got up. "Thank you." I said kissing his cheek. I ran to the bathroom getting ready to change, when I stopped and stared at myself. My belly is showing more, soon i will be unable to hide it. I have to tell Tyler soon. I hurried and changed into the clothes he gave me. It was a t shirt and some basketball shorts. It was big enough to cover my belly so I wasn't worried. I walked out to see Tyler has changed into something similar to what he gave me.

He walked over to me and took my hand. "Come on." He said.

I walked with him to the kitchen. Omg yes food. He picked me up and placed me on the island. His kitchen was beautiful, something out of a magazine.

 His kitchen was beautiful, something out of a magazine

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He pushed my legs apart and stood between them.

"What would you like to eat baby." He said

I blushed and looked down at my hands while I played with my fingers. He lifted my chin up forcing me to look at him.

"I don't know, whatever." I said.

"Ok I'll make something quick, You must be hungry." He said. Walking over to the fridge. He pull out a couple of Tupperware and set them on the counter.

"You like lasagna, yeah?" He said turning to look at me.

"Yes I love lasagna." I said happily, I'm so hungry my mouth is watering at the sight of the cold lasagna.

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