Chapter 28

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Tyler's POV

I hear voices by my side, I can't move or open my eyes for some reason. What's wrong with me? What happened? I can feel someone messing with my hand and touching my hair but I don't know who.

I can smell a hint of coconut and can immediately tell that it's Kiara. It must be her that's messing with my fingers. I can feel myself start to drift, slowly losing consciousness.
Kiara's POV

"Momma momma come find me!" I hear my little princess scream from upstairs

"Ready or not here I come." I yell walking up the stair and open the door to the first room. I know she's in my room because she likes to hide under the bed, she uses the same hiding spot every time.

I walk through each room making sure to stomp loud so that she knows I'm getting closer. I finally make it to my room and I walk around the bed and check in the closet.

"Oh man she's not in here." I said walking into the bathroom and checking behind the shower curtain. I walk back in my room and stand right in front of the bed.

"I guess the last place to check is under the bed." I said loud enough for her to hear me.

She giggled and I heard shuffling before she slide from under the bed and ran and jumped on me.

"Omg I found you!!" I said excitedly.

"No i yet you find me." She said. (She can't pronounce her Ls and that's why I wrote yet instead of let)

"Noooo I found you so I won!" I said doing a victory dance. Once I was done dancing I notice she had a picture in her hand and my heart stopped.

"Momma will dada ever come back?" She asked looking at me hopefully.

I let out a heavy sigh and picked up her. Sitting down in the middle of the bed setting her between my legs.

"No baby daddy isn't coming back." I said looking down at the picture of me and Tyler kissing.

Tyler never got to meet her. I still tell her that Tyler was suppose to be her dada but had to go do a thing for god. She has been really understanding about it for a 2 year old but she still ask lots questions.

She turns to face me and touched my cheek.

"It's ok mama, dada is here with use right now." She said smiling.

I just smiled knowing that Tyler isn't actually here but I don't want to burst her bubble. She continues to caress my cheek, It feels so real. I frown and touch my cheek but I don't feel her hand. Wha the hell.

I woke up with a start, looking at my surround I notice that I'm still at the hospital with Tyler. I look at the time and see that it now 10 in the morning. I bring my hand up to my cheek and sigh, That was a weird dream. I don't want to ever had to think or dream about a life with Tyler, it hurts too much.

I close my eyes and rest my head next to Tyler's arm. I feel myself start to doze off but then I feel something touch my cheek. Without opening my eyes I bring my hand up to remove whatever it is but nothing is there. I opened my eyes and looked right into Tyler's green eyes. I was so shocked I jumped back and almost falling out of the chair.

"T-Tyler...." I said quietly.

"H-Hey babygirl." He said as best as he could with a dry throat and got up and hit the button calling for a nurse then went and grabbed my water bottle, giving it to Tyler. He took the water bottle and chugged it in the matter of seconds. Right as he finished the nurse came in.

My Dream Girl (BWWM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now