Chapter 19

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•Slightly mature content•
Tyler's POV

I hear Kiara gasp and jump up, well as quick as a pregnant women can get up and run to the bathroom. She slammed the door behind her.

What the hell?! I slowly got up and walked toward the bathroom door.

"Baby you alright?" I asked, knocking on the door.

I heard her shuffling around in there before she answered me.

"Y-yeah I'm ok, I'll be right out." She said.

I wanted to question her some more but It could just be nothing like she said. I walked back to the bed and sat on the edge waiting for her.

Finally after 3 minutes she come out , I held out my hand for her to come to me. She slowly walked over and stepped between my legs. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer so I can lay my head on her stomach.

"You sure your ok?" I said. I slid my hands done to her ass and started to rub m.

"Yeah I just thought I needed to take a shit." She deadpans.

I frowned and pulled my head back. "What?? You thought?" I said laughing.

"Yeah turns out I didn't need to." She said laughing. Running her hand through my hair.

"You heard that little princess... your mom doesn't know when she has to take a shit." I said talking to her belly.

Kiara slapped me in the head and started dying of laughter. I joined her laughing until we both fell back on the bed.

Once I calmed down I looked over to her, "do you think you feel up to meeting my mom tomorrow." I said quietly.

She sat up and whipped her head towards me. "meet her tomorrow?!" She yelled.

"I can't meet her tomorrow, I'm not prepared, what if she doesn't like me, what if she tells me to stay away from you because she doesn't like me!" She yelled quickly and nervously.

"Kiara calm down, she will love you and she would never tell you to leave me alone, all she wants is for me to be happy and you make me happy so relax." I said.

"Ok ok I will relax." She said. I pulled her face to me and kissed her softly. She let of a little moan which drove me to continue kissing her.

I slowly kissed her from her lips down to her neck, lightly sucking just so I can drive her crazy. I glide my hands over body making my way to her ass. I squeezed her ass and then made sure to give it a nice slap.

She yelled and jumped, surprised that gave her a little spank. I pulled up the end of her shirt and kissed her belly. I moved my way up until I was right under her covered breast. I looked up to her for approval and I can see in her eyes that she didn't want me to stop so I continued. I lifted her bra and brought one of her hard nipples in my mouth, sucking hard. I swirled my tongue around it and then bite down causing her to gasp.

I moved on to the next the nipple not wanting to leave that one out and did the same exact thing. She moved louder tuning her fingers through my hair. Every time I bit her nipple she would tug on it like she was trying to pull me away. I looked up at her once more and her eyes were rolled back in her head. She must be really horny if sucking her nipples have her like this. I dragged my hand down to her short getting ready to play with her pussy when the door burst open.

I quickly covered Kiara chest and looked over at the door to see who the fuck Interrupted us.
Kiara's POV

Tiffany that cock blocking bitch, she just had to come in her when I was trying to get my pussy ate. I can't stand her.

"Oh shit sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. She said smirking at me. "Nah I'm lying I did mean to interrupt you guys."

I rolled my eyes and threw at pillow at her. She ducked then went to pick up the pillow and threw it back. The pillow ended up hitting Tyler in the head, making her die of laughter.

"That shit was so funny!"She said laughing hysterically. "I'm sorry Tyler, I didn't mean to do that." She said finally calming down.

"What did you want stupid." I asked.

"Hey don't call me stupid, you bitch." She said trying to act offended. "Anyways do you guys want to watch a movie with me and Eric?" She asked.

"Fine bitch now get out." I said.

"He won't be the only one sucking your titty" she said laughing. I threw the pillow again but she shut the door before it could hit her.

I fixed my bra and my shirt and looked over a Tyler.

"We will finish this later .

"Or we could finish it now." He said licking his lips and trying to grab at me. I moved out of his reach and slapped his hand.

"Ah ah ah get up let's go watch some more movies." I said excited.

We went to the living room and sat down on the couch with Eric and Tiffany, we watched a bunch of different movies starting with comedy and ended it watching horror. I had my legs in Tyler's lap, he started rubbing my feet and it felt so good I started falling asleep.

I must have fallen asleep because Tyler was carrying me to my room. He laid me on the bed and got in behind me. He pulled the covers over us and pulled me closer. He had his hand resting on my belly and his leg wrapped around my legs.

"Good night babygirl" he said kissing the back of my head.

"Good night." I mumbled closing my eyes and going to sleep.

My alarm was going off and I did know why, I dong usually don't have alarms set in the morning because I don't work in the morning. I reached over and picked up my phone. I looked at the screen and saw it say doctors appointment on the alarm. My eyes widen and I sat up quickly, fuck I completely forgot. My quick movement woke up Tyler.

"W-what's wrong Kiara?" He asked eyes wide and looking around.

"I forgot I have a doctors appointment at 9 and it's 8:30!" I said running to the bathroom so I can go brush my teeth.

"Ok don't worry we will get there on time.

"Yo cunning wih meh?" I said with my mouth full of  of toothpaste.

He smiled, "come again." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him, "you know what I said." I said.

"Of course I'm coming with you." He said. He then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I wasn't surprised but at the same time I was. I didn't expect him to want to be apart of my baby's life so it's was taking me some time to get use too it.

I quickly took a shower and got ready. As I was putting on my shirt Tyler walked in with different clothes on .

"Did you drive home that fast and change?" I said with a frown on my face.

"No I always keep a change of clothes in my car." He said laughing.

"Oh well ok then." I said. Leaning over so that I can try to Put in my shoes.

I guess Tyler thought I was struggling because he took the shoe and helped me put it on. God he is so cute. I grabbed my bag and a snack from the kitchen.

"Ok let's go!" I yelled excitedly.

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