Chapter 5

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Kiara's POV

"OK bitch hurry up and spill!" Tiffany yelled

After I finished changing I basically ran to the restaurant where I was suppose to meet Tiffany. When i got outside i didn't see the guy but i definitely looking around for him. I didn't see him so kept walking. i was thinking about him the whole time i walked to the restaurant. i kept thinking things like, "what was his name?" "where was he from?" "does he like black girls ??" i couldn't get him out of my head.

when i got into the restaurant Tiffany literally dragged me to our seat and has been trying to squeeze info out of me since. there wasn't really much to tell expect that he was gorgeous.

i sighed and said, "Well he was tall, sexy, big, he had a nice face and lips, and did i say sexy ?"

Tiffany's lit up and she started laughing. "yeah girl you said sexy twice, but that's OK because if he is that fine i would say it twice too." she said.

We were laughing when the waiter walked up to us and put a basket of bread in the middle of the table.

"Hello ladies, can I start you guys off with some drinks ?" He said.

I looked at the menu seeing the wine section and I sighed. Can't drink that... guess I just get water.

"I'll have some water please." I said smiling.

"And I'll have the same." Said Tiffany.

The waiter nodded and smiled. "Would you guys like to order as well?" He said.

I looked at Tiffany and she smiled at the waiter and said "I'll have the five cheese ravioli with garlic bread and a side of roasted broccoli." She finished and handed the waiter the menu.

I closed my menu and looked up. "I'll have the chicken Marsala with garlic bread and chicken and gnocchi soup." I said.

The waiter finished writing down our order and put his pen and pad away. He looked up and smiled at us. "Excellent ! Your orders will be right out." He said before walking off

My mouth starting watering at the soft looking bread on the table. I quickly grab a piece and starting buttering the bread before I took a huge bite. Mid chew I looked over and saw Tiffany gaping at me.

"W-what?" I said with my mouth full.

"You must be really hungry." She laughed.

I laughed and kept eating.

"How was the doctors appointment?" She asked while grabbing her own piece of bread to eat.

I drank some water before answering. "It was great. Nothing new, just the same as the last appointment." I chuckled.

Tiffany was in the middle of telling me about her day when I looked up and saw the man from the store. Eye wide, I looked over at Tiffany.

"Don't look now but the guy standing at the bar is the fine ass white man I was telling you about." I whispered.

Of course being Tiffany's loud ass she turned around and looked and yelled "WHAT?" Loud enough for a couple people to turn and look, including the man we were both staring at. We both turned around really fast and looked down.

I slowly looked back over to the bar and didn't see him. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Whew I think he's gone." I whispered.

Tiffany slights turned around then turned back to me.

"I am so sorry..... I was just so shocked." She spoke fast. "He was fucking delicious." She said loudly.

I rolled my eyes. "Bitch your so fucking loud shush. And I know I just want to lick hi-" I stopped because Tiffany was staring above me with wide eyes. I slowly turn around and came face to face with a dick print.

Slowly traveling my eyes up noticing strong arms with tattoos with the dress shirt rolled up the his elbows. A board chest and a strong neck. I kept looking until I stopped on the face of the man that I thought left.

"U-umm h-hii" I stuttered.

"Well hello beautiful." He smirked

I turned my wide eyes back to Tiffany and mouthed "what the fuck!"

He leaned down and got close to my face "Hmm now what do I gotta do to have a sexy women like you in my life." He whispered.

I grabbed my water and drank have half the cup while staring at him. He raises one eyebrow and stares at me with a smirk on his face.

I set my water down and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I'm not interested." I said while smiling

Know I knew damn well I was interested but why would I get into a relationship . No man wants a women that is pregnant by another man. I wouldn't want that. I would just be setting myself up for failure.

"Either your lying , your in a relationship or you don't like white men... which one is it?" He asked

I coughed and stared down at my fingers. This mother fucker isn't going to give up huh? " none of the above." I said. "I just don't want you." I smiled.

He laughed for a good minute before he contained himself. He grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers before I snatched my hand away.

"I can tell your lying. But don't worry I will have you by my side soon enough." He said proudly.

I rolled my eyes and whispered, "yeah yeah you cocky asshole." I picked up another piece of bread and started buttering it.

He stood back up to his full height, which was fucking huge. He had to be around 6'5. He stuck his hand in his dress pants and pulled out a card. He put the card of the table in front of me and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Call me when your done denying that you want me." He said while smirking.

He stood up again and walked away from our table. I looked down at the card and pick it up. reading the card it's said Jacobs marketing. Underneath that was CEO Tyler Jacobs and his phone number. I ripped up the card because well I didn't want it and dropped it in the glass of water. I looked up and Tiffany was giving me a disgusting looked.

"You dumb hoe why would you do that??" She questioned. At that moment the waiter came and dropped off our food .

"Enjoy the meal ladies." He said.

Waiting for him to walk away I looked over at Tiffany. 

"Cause I don't want him duh." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah whatever bitch, don't act like you wasn't just talking about how fine he was. And now you playing hard to get." She said .

I sighed , "I don't want to be with a man while I'm pregnant with someone else kids. That is just too much. I don't want whatever guy I'm with having deal with it." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

Ever since Ive been pregnant I've been emotional as fuck so I'm always crying now-a-days.

Tiffany smiled at me sadly and said,

"I promise not all men are the same and someone is going to love you and your child no matter if it's another mans child ok?" She said.

I nodded my head and picked up my fork to start eating.

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