Chapter 63 part 1

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(Unedited)!!!! please don't come for me, I was rushing to write this so I can get some thing out, so if the grammar is horrible just look over it. 😌
Kiara's POV (2 month later)

"How have you been doing Kiara?" Dr. Craig.

"I've been doing great, I'm happy." I said smiling.

"Yes I can see that. You've improved phenomenally Over the last couple of months." She said.

I smiled feeling really good about what she said.

Everything that's happened in the last two months have been perfect. Yes I have my good and bad days but it's nothing like how I was before.

"Yeah tyler and Ari have been keeping my spirits up."

"Wonderful! Well do you think that you might want to stop our visits now that everything seems to be ok?"

My eyes grew wide and my smile faded, "hell no! Dr. Craig, I need you. You've been a big help and without you I don't know where I'd be right now, So no I don't think we need to stop our sessions."

"Well ok then, I'm glad that you want to continue our sessions." She said smiling.

In the last two months I've gotten to know Alyssa very well. I met her husband, her daughters, and her mother. I know a lot of people probably think it's weird having a personal relationship with their therapist but I don't care, Alyssa is a great person and I like having her as a friend.

We talked about how I've been handling Ari while Tyler's at work and all this other shit until my hour was up.

There was a shuffling noise coming from the baby monitor and I knew that meant Ari was up.

"Right on time." Alyssa said, closing her book and putting it in her bag.

I chuckled and stood up, "yeah let me go grab her before she starts going crazy."

Alyssa stood up and placed her bag on her shoulder, "any plans today?"

"Yes I'm going dress shopping!" I squealed, walking her to the door.

"Oohh how great! Send pictures." She said.

"Of course." I said, opening the door.

I gave her a quick hug and said goodbye before closing the door.

The moment the door closed Ari started crying. I walk upstairs and into her room to see her angrily kicking her little legs while screaming her head off.

"Ohh your such a drama queen." I said picking her up. The moment she was in my arms she started to calm down.

"See I knew you just wanted to be held." I kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to my chest, " I'm gonna tell tyler to stop holding you so much."

She frowned and made a pouting face like she was gonna start crying again.

"I'm just joking." I said and she immediately relaxed.

"What the hell....this little girl is something else." I thought.

I changed her diaper then brought her downstairs and placed her on her play mat in the middle of the living room.

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