Chapter 60

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Here's another long ass chapter because I tried to fit so much in this one lmfaooo.
* 1 month later *
Kiara's POV

I wake up to the sound of whimper, I open my eyes and look over to see Ari laying in her bassinet fussing.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I said as I look over at the clock and see that it's 10:36am.

I turn to see if Tyler was still sleeping but he wasn't in bed. Looking around I see a note sitting next to my head.

Good morning mama, I'm sorry I had to get up and out for work earlier than usual. The company that I'm working with is really on my ass about finalizing this business deal and it's killing me. I should be home on time to night but if not I'll text you and let you know. I also won't be able to communicate much since I'll be in and out of meeting but I'll try my best. Give Ari a kiss for me and I love you.

Aww I picked up my phone and texted him that I loved him too. I am a little sad because he didn't tell me happy birthday. I know he's been busy with work and a lot has been going on so I'm not angry that he forgot, we could just do something tomorrow.

My phone started ringing and I quickly answered it thinking that it's Tyler.

"Hello!" I said happily

"Happy birthday stank bitch!!!" Tiffany yelled.

I pulled the phone of my ear, mad as hell that she did that.

"Can you not be so damn loud!" I said.

"Girl shut up! it's your fucking birthday bitch and I'm not gonna act like I haven't been waiting months for this so we could have some fun!" She yelled dragging out the n in fun.

Arielle jumped and started crying. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Girl didn't I say stop yelling, you made Ari cry." I said as I picked Ari up and cuddled her to my chest.

"oh shit sorry." she whispered.

"Anyways TIff did you forgot that I have a child now, whose gonna watch her." I said.

"Skai......duh." She said.

"Skai doesn't want to babysit, plus I think she said she wanted to hang out with some friends later." I said even though I'm lying about Skai wanting to go out.

"Oh my god, girl stop lying I talk to Skai before I called you and she said she isn't doing anything." She said.

"Ugh Tiff  I'm good I don't want to do anything tonight. Plus what if something happens and Skai doesn't know what to do." I said.

Well then I'm going to call Vivian and ask her to come by and watch them both." She said.

"How you just gonna make Vivian babysit, like you know her schedule. What if she's busy."

"Girl, Vivian doesn't do shit, she just sits at home, and I know she does because she told me. I'm sure she would love to spend time with her grand baby." She said.

"No Tiff I'm not about to bother Vivian." I said.

"Uh alright fine." She said before hanging up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and frowned, she gave in way to easily, I thought.

I shrugged and put down my phone, I looked down at Ari and was sleeping again so I put her back in the bassinet and covered her up.

Getting up, I went into the bathroom and started doing my daily hygiene routine. Since Ari was sleeping, I decide to shave my whole body just in case Tyler wanted to give me some dick tonight.

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