Chapter 27

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Kiara's POV

Josh was speeding down the street as fast as he can trying to get me to the hospital. It was late so there weren't many cars on the road but most of the traffic lights would start turning yellow as we got closer to it, thankfully we only had to sit through two stop lights.

I was extremely worried about Tyler, I don't know how bad his injuries are and the longer it take to get to the hospital the more I started to freak out. I know I need to be strong for him but I don't know if I can. I just realized that I loved him and I haven't even gotten the chance to tell him, what if I never get to tell him.

I will be devastated if I lose him.

I immediately fly into action the moment I see the hospital in the distance. I take off my shoes and put them in Josh's backseat and stuff my phone in my bag.

"Can I just leave my shoe with you, my feet hurt and I know I will feel a lot better in just my sock." I said.

"Sure babygirl, go right ahead." He said quickly looking over to me.

He pulled in up to the front entrance of the hospital and before he could fully stop I had the door open. I hopped out and starting walking to the doors when I realize I didn't thank josh

I turned around and walked back over to him. "Thank you for dropping me off josh! I love you, your the best." I said.

"Oh your welcome Kiki but I'll not leaving you, I will go find some parking and I'll be right in." He smiled.

I grinned at him, "I'm really grateful for you josh." I said feeling tears prickling my eyes.

"No problem babes." He smiled and started driving off. I walked into the hospital and walked up to the front desk. There was a light skin girl sitting there chewing gum with a bored look on her face.

"How may I help you?" She said not even looking up at me.

"I'm looking for my boyfriend Tyler Jacobs, he was brought in here maybe and hour ago i don't know just look for Tyler Jacobs." I said in a rush.

She starts typing on her computer, hopefully looking for Tyler's room number.

"What are your relations to Mr. Jacobs?" She asked slowly.

I sighed, "I just told you I was his girlfriend." I said getting annoyed.

"Sorry but he's in surgery so your gonna need to sit in the waiting room until the doctors come to speak to you." She said.

"What?! Do you know what they are doing? How long it's going to take? Is he going to be ok?" I asked frantically.

I was just about to ask her another los if questions when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Vivian. She looked like hell, her usual perfectly made up face Now was had black tear running from her eyes, lipstick smudged and her eyeshadow smeared all around her eyelids.

She pulled me in for a hug and continued to cry. Seeing her cry made me want to cry but I pulled it together and held her while she cried.

"Have you heard anything yet." I asked her. We walked to the waiting room and sat down.

"No nothing yet. They said he's been back there for an hour already. They called me 10 minutes before I called you." She said tears still falling from her eyes. "I don't know what to do, I can't lose my son. He's suppose to outlive me."

I felt a couple of tears fall from my eyes after holding onto them for so long, I finally let go. We were silently crying in the corner of then lobby when I saw josh walk up to us. I got up and hugged him tightly, desperately needing one of his hugs right now.

"Who is this." Vivian asked

"This is josh, one of my really good friends from work." I said.

"Is your full name Joshua?" Vivian asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said smiling at her.

"Can I call you Joshua?" She said hopefully.

Josh laughed and nod his head

Another hour has pass and we were still waiting for a doctor to tell us what was going on. Josh went and got me a bottle of water and some food but I told him I didn't feel like eating. He immediately scolded me telling me that I need to take care of myself and the baby. I know he's right but I just can't.

"Tyler Jacobs family." A doctor wearing green scrubs and a surgical cap said.

Both Vivian and I stood up and quickly walked over to meet the doctor. The doctor smiled sweetly at us and started to speak.

"Well the surgery went well, he had some internal bleeding in the abdominal area so we did a exploratory laparotomy and we were able to stop the bleeding. He also suffered a broken arm and a couple of broken ribs and a slight concussion. I think he should make a full recovery in a couple of weeks." The doctor said.

"I'm sorry doctor what is a exploratory laparotomy." Vivian said.

The doctor was getting ready to speak but I cut him off, telling Vivian why it was.

"It's a procedure where they make a large cut to his stomach and look for any bleeding. I said.

Vivian bobbed her head letting out a sigh of relief.

"Can we go see him now?" I said.

"Right now he is sleeping we don't know when he will wake up but that all depends on him and how strong he is. We will be moving him to a room so give it 30 minutes max and you should be able to go see him." The doctor said.

"Thank you so much doctor." Vivian exclaimed tears falling from her eyes.

The doctor walked away and we went back to sit down. I looked over to josh, seeing that he was trying his hardest to stay up being that is was almost 4 am.

"You can go home josh and I'll keep you posted and stuff." I smiled at him rubbing his cheek. "Thank you for being here for me."

"I always will be here for you love." He stood up and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Kiki."

"Goodnight Mrs. Jacobs, it was nice meeting you." Josh said shaking her hand.

"You as well Joshua." Vivian said.

We were still sitting in the lobby when a nurse came in and told us we could go see Tyler. We went up to his room and when I opened the door tears started flowing from my eyes.

My poor baby's face was bruised and his left eye was swollen shut. He had needles in his arms, his chest and ribs were black and blue with a huge bandage covering his stomach.

I walked over to his bed side and sat down. I grabbed his hand and placed a kiss on his knuckles. Mrs. Vivian sat on the other side of his bed and did the same. We talked for a while and made sure to say thing to Tyler so that he knew we were there for him.

I can see that Vivian was exhausted, "Mrs. Vivian, you can go home if you want and get some rest. I'll stay with Tyler and call you when he wakes up." I said.

"Oh sweetheart I don't know, I want to be here for him when he wakes up." She said.

"I understand, you don't have to go it was just a suggestion I can see how tried you are that's all." I said.

She sat there for a bit thinking about what I said.

"Ok please please please, keep me updated if something happens I will be here in a flash."she said.

"Of course." I said.

She got up and kissed Tyler on the forehead, whispers that she loved him and will be back soon.

I continued to play with Tyler's fingers and talk to him, I didn't realize how tried I was because next thing I know I was knocked out with my head resting beside Tyler's arm.

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