Chapter 62

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Kiara's POV

My hands and feet were tied to the bed, I was naked and had a silk cloth covering my eyes. It was dead silent, I couldn't hear anything expect the sound of the air blowing out of the vents.

Tyler walk out of the room about ten minutes ago and hasn't been back. He tied me up because he says I don't listen, which isn't true. He's just mad that I tried to get myself off while we were in the car. But you can't blame me, it was going to take a good 30 minutes to get home and Tyler wouldn't move his hand further up my thigh. He just kept saying, "you have to be patient." Now I'm laying here horny as hell and tied up.

My ear perked up when I heard a creaking noise and then the sound of the room door opening. I can hear him walking closer to the bed but he doesn't touch me.

"Tyler?" I whispered but I got no answer.

I turn my head to the right when I hear the sound of something being placed on the nightstand.

"Tyler!" I say louder.

Still nothing.

I sigh deeply and roll my eyes, annoyed that he won't answer me.

"I know your rolling your eyes." Tyler whispered right next to my ear.

"That because your n-" I stopped talking when I felt Tyler place his hand over my mouth.

"Stop talking babygirl." He whispered.

I kept my mouth shut, scared that if I said anything he won't give me what I want.

He lifted his hand from my mouth and then backed away. I can fell his presence getting further away but I knew he was still in the room.

I sighed again, this time I made sure it was loud and obnoxious. I was dying for his touch and his sweet kisses, oh and his dick of course.

I yelped when something cold touched the my ankle then moved up my leg. I figured it was an ice cube because I felt the wetness of it as it trailed up my calf. He replaced the ice with his tongue and then he licked the trail of water left from the ice.

He repeated the process up both my legs and stopped at my stomach. I was hoping he would show my pussy a bit of attention before going any further but he skipped right over her.

He placed kisses on my lower stomach and circled his tongue around my belly button. He kept moving up until he was right under my breast.

"Tyler please." I moaned

"Hmm? please what?" He said as he slid his hand up my side.

"Go lower." I pleaded.

He inched down some until he was positioned right above my belly button.

"Here?" He asked placing a soft kiss there.


He inched down some more until he was position directly in front of my lower stomach. He growled lowly then nipped at my pudge then kissed it.

"Stop it, I'm fat!" I yelled embarrassed because I haven't lost any of the baby weight I gained.

He slapped my thigh, "Your not fat, so shut the hell up." He said.

I rolled my eyes and laid there patiently waiting for him to continue his little teasing game. He moved down some more so that he was now hovering over my mound.

He placed a kiss at the top of my mound, "do you want me here?" He asked.

I shook my head and waited for him to move down further.

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