Chapter 32

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Kiara's POV

Sister? My sister?

I don't have no sister what the fuck? I'm an only child. I didn't grow up with no sibling. This shit don't make sense.

"I don't have a sister and you know that Tiffany." I said frowning.

"I know I know but when she said that she has a different mom and that she was looking for her dad and along the way she found you. I kinda felt that maybe she is your sister." She said.

I gave her that bitch what look and rolled my eyes. "How am I suppose to believe this little girl is my sister. Does she have proof." I asked.

The girl stepped forward. "My name is Skai Jackson. Our fathers name is wesley Jackson. He got my mom pregnant and he stay around up until I was 7 years old and then he left. He wasn't the best but he was there. When he left my mom turned to drugs and alcohol. She let it take over her and she ended up having an overdose. I'm 16 turning 17 in a couple of months and I have no one. I only found you because I was trying to find our dad. If you don't want me here then I'll leave but I just wanted to meet my sister."

I knew she had to be telling the truth, why else would she be here. I didn't have anything so I know she wasn't her for money or anything. It's just hard to believe I grew up by myself and I thought it would stay that way but I guess not.

I stayed silent for a moment and then I step back, inviting them inside.

"Why y'all got clothes in the middle of the living room floor..." Tiffany said.

"Shush mind you're business, Tyler can you go get those." I asked.

"Of course." He said walking into the living and picking up the clothes.

I walk into the kitchen with tiffany and Skai. They went to sit down while I went to go finish making Me and Tyler's sandwiches.

"Are you guys hungry ?" I asked.

"Yes."  Skai said.

"No." Tiffany said.

"Alright then, what would you like?" I asked.

"Anything is fine with me." She said.

Tyler came back down stair wearing sweatpants And a shirt rather than the boxers he threw on earlier. He came into the kitchen and gently pushed me to the side.

"I got it." He said.

I rolled my eyes and went over to sit next to tiffany and Skai.

"Can you make Skai a sandwich too?" I asked Tyler.

"Sure what would you like, ham or turkey?" He said.

"Ham is fine, with no cheese and mayo if you have it." She said.

He nod his head and went to the fridge to grab that food out.

"So tell me how you found me, I mean like I wasn't hiding but you know...." I asked

"Well like I said before after our dad left us and my mom took it really hard, I guess you can say she was in love with him. She was super depressed so she started doing drugs and also drank a lot. She had lots of guys come over to our house so she could have sex with them for drugs and or money. A couple of them were touchy with me but she always caught them before it could go further. One of her many "boyfriends" was a low budget private investigator. I asked him to help me look for our dad and he agreed. He's been look for dad for me for about 3 years now and after this all this time he found you instead. So all of the money I've been saving up from helping out my friends mom doing maid work was enough for me to travel to you." She finished.

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