Chapter 47

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Tyler's POV

We were approximately 15 minutes away from the abandon building Dante was keeping Kiara at and to be honest I don't know how to feel right now. On one hand I'm happy as hell that I can finally get Kiara back but on the other I'm livid. I want to hurt Dante and Vanessa for thinking that they could take Kiara away from me.

She's special to me, she's someone that I could spend the rest of my life with and be happy as hell and to think that someone would want to take her away from me has be burning with rage.

My phone start ringing and I pick it up without looking at the caller ID.


"Tyler, it's me Tiffany."

I tensed up at the sound of her voice, "is everything ok? Is Arielle ok?" I asked quickly.

"Everything is fine here but I just saw a news report about the police finding a dead body on the side of the road and it was Vanessa..." she said.

I stayed quiet on my end, while a million different scenarios ran through my head.

What if he killed Kiara too.

How would I be able to handle that.

"Tyler I'm scared..." she said in a shaky voice.

"It's going to be fine Tiffany don't worry." I said reassuring her even though I'm not so sure myself.

The line started beeping, I took the phone away from my ear and saw that Antonio was calling.

"I'll call you back Tiffany." I said quickly then switching over the call.

"Antonio." I answered.

"I just found out that the women that was at the hospital talking to you... Camille or whatever is helping Dante as well." He said. "I decided to check the cameras one last time to see if anything changed and that's when I noticed her getting out of her car."

"FUCK!" I yell slamming my fist on the seat. She was literally in my face and I let her get away. If I would just figured it out then I probably would've had Kiara back already instead I'm sitting here worrying that when I get to the building Kiara might not even be alive.

I took the phone away from my ear and lean over to the man that was driving, "speed the fuck up, fucking run the red lights if you have to." I said.

I put the phone back to my ear and roughly ran my fingers through my hair, "How could I have missed that, I knew it was weird how she was acting. I just thought she was fucking crazy and didn't even connect the dots." I said angrily.

"Don't worry about that right now, you need to make sure that you get to Kiara and get her out alive." Antonio said.

"But what if she's already dead..."

He chuckled, "Gotta think positive Tyler." He said before hanging up

The car stop and I looked up seeing that we stopped in front of a old looking building. This must be it, i thought already hopping out of the car and walking towards the buildings entrance. The four other guys hopped out and started following me.

The door was locked so One of them men took out his gun and shot the lock. Once the door opened i immediately ran inside. I noticed a man dragging his body across the room. That's must be Dante. I walked closer to him and leaned over so he could see my face and smile

"I'll be back for your ass." I said.

He slowly turned his head and looked at me, with a pained expression. "Shit." He groaned.

I chuckled harshly and then stepped on the back on his knee right where the bullet hole was. "Oops my bad, i didn't see you there." I said. Stepping over him.

Two of the men walked over to him and picked up his body, carrying him outside.

We rushed towards the door across from where Dante was crawling towards. I forcefully pushed the door open and saw Camille standing there pointing a gun at Kiara.

I didn't think I just acted and ran straight towards Camille, using all my strength to pushed her down not caring if she broke her neck or not. Her gun went off and I ran straight toward Kiara noticing blood seeping out of her shoulder but still swallowing her up her body in a bear hug.

"Kiara!" I said hugging her tightly while kissing her all over her face and neck.

"Omg Tyler finally, she was about to kill me." She said her voice kind of muffled because of how tight I was hugging her.

I tensed up when I hear Kiara gasps and then the sound of a gun going off. I tried to cover Kiara's body , not sure where the gunshot came from or if it hit anyone or not. I pulled back and quickly scanned Kiara's body for anymore wounds but I didn't see any.

I turned around and watched as Camille fell to the ground. I looked towards the door and saw Antonio standing there with a gun in his hand and a cigar in his mouth.

"A-antonio I- .....what are you doing here?" I said.

"I figured I should show up... to help out I guess. I've been following behind you guys since you guys left the hospital. I figured I could be back up for my back up just in case shit went left." He said exhaling the cigar smoke.

"I showed up shortly after you and followed you in, you were so pissed off and in your own head you didn't even notice." He chuckled. "When I saw her get up I waited to see what she would do. And when she pointing the gun at y'all, I pulled the trigger." He said. "What good would you be to your daughter if your in jail." He finished.

"Fuck Antonio, I-I don't know how to thank you." I said.

"I'll figure something out." he said blowing out some more smoke. He waved his hand at the men and the they walked into the room picking up Camilles body and carrying her out of the room. "Don't worry about Dante, unless you want to do some damage, if not then I'll handle him." He back up. "I'll leave the SUV for you guys. Just make sure you return it." He said walking out of the room.

I picked Kiara up bridal style and hugged her close to my chest.

"If I wasn't hungry, tired, in pain and happy to see you I would be grilling about that right now." She said looking up at me. "But I'll hold off on that."

"I'll tell you after I get you to the hospital and treated." I said.

I walked out of the building with her in my arms and over to the car. I placed her in the passenger side and ran around to get in the front seat.

"H-He didn't do anything to you right?" I said clenching and unclenching my fist.

"No, he just smacked me around when I tried to get away but that's it." She said gripping at her shoulder.

"ok good. Let's hurry up and get you back to the hospital." I said thanking god that she's alive and I get to hold her in my arms again.

A/N: Guys I'm starting to sleep a lot more than usual. I just feel completely drained like no energy at all. I can take a nap and still be tired as hell. I feel like somethings up but I might just be exhausted.

Anyways I felt like this chapter was a hot mess so sorry if it is I was half sleep. I will be editing this whole book soon because I know my errors are out of this world lol . But I just wanted to at least drop something for y'all because I'm at 13k and y'all did that! I'm so glad that so many people are reading my book and actually liking it.

P.s. KimK002 your comments be having me dying, don't ever stop pls lol!

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