Chapter 54

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Kiara's POV

I gripped tiffany's arm and dragged her out of her seat, pulling her out of the dining room.

"Tiff what the fuck?! What's wrong with you???" I shouted.

"I-I don't know, I just....." she sighed and sat down on the couch.

I walked over and sat down next to her. "I've never seen you act like this before, what's happening between you and Derrick? I asked.

"I-I u-um well....... you know that he and I were fucking for a bit and then after i messed up and fucked Eric, we had a fight and I kinda pushed him away. But the thing is......I actually like him, but I'm afraid of getting hurt again. And seeing him with this new girl is making me a jealous bitch and I just keep saying and doing shit that I know I shouldn't. " she said.

"Girl your fucking up your chance with Derrick because your scared? I know I told you not to mess with him until he gets his shit together but it's obvious that he has, so what are you doing?"

"I'm scared." She says.

"Bitch I've never known you to be afraid of anything so why is it that a man got you acting like this?"

"I guess it's because I can really see myself falling in love with Derrick and I'm afraid that what happened with Eric will happen with Derrick so I thought the best thing to do so that I don't get my heart broken was to push him away."

"Ok I understand where your coming from but I still think you should give him a chance, Derrick not a bad guy." I said.

"But he has a girlfriend, I fucked up my chance." She said sadly.

"Girl it's obvious he doesn't want that girl, he wants you so go talk to him."

"Ok ok but if he rejects me then I'm fighting you." She said.

I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled, "yeah yeah whatever."

* later that night *
"Goodnight Viv." I said waving at her while she walked to her car.

"Goodnight sweetheart." She said getting in her car.

I watched her pull out of the driveway before I finally closed the front door.

It was 10:30 pm and I finally got her to go home. I was grateful for her thought because she helped me clean everything up, so I didn't have to worry about anything.

I put the last piece of the brownie in my mouth before turning off all the lights and heading to my room.

When I walked into the bedroom Tyler was pulling on his boxers. I saw the tip of his dick before his boxers covered them. I stared down at the slight print and tighten my legs trying to ease the throbbing I was starting to feel.

He cleared his throat, making me look up at him. He was starring at me with that sexy ass smirk on his face.

"Like what you see?" He said slowly walking towards me."

"Hell yeah I do." I said licking my lips.

When he finally got in front of me, he grabbed my face and kissed me forcefully. I placed my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me to deepen the kiss.

He slowly slide his hands down my body and around my back so that he was now gripping my ass. He continued to massage my ass as he deepen the kiss even more, as if he was trying to become one with me. His hand disappeared from my right ass cheek before I felt a sharp sting on my ass.

"Ow." I yelped which gave him the opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. He picked me up and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist so I didn't fall. He walked us over to the bed and placed me down, he started kissing down my neck while his hands slide up to grab my breast.

"Fuck, I've missed you." He groaned, kissing down my neck to my stomach.

It's been a while since tyler and I have done anything sexual, when I got back from the hospital I couldn't stand the thought of him touching me in that way. My depressing mood made it worst, and I wasn't showing him any love but since I've been going to therapy, I've been feeling a lot like my old self and now I just want him to rearrange my guts.

I gripped his hair as he slid further down my stomach. He pulled my legging and panties down at k same time.  He had then half way off my legs when the baby monitor went off and Arielle started screaming. 

We both sighed, "I got her." I said getting up and pulling my pants up.

"We will continue this when you get back." He said.

I walked out of our room and walked into Ari's room. She was screaming her little head off so im guessing she hungry. She only cries this loud and angry when she's hungry..... just like her mother.

I took her out of her bassinets and started rocking her gently. Before when I use to try to pick her up she would cry non stop until Tyler came and got her and it made me feel like she hated me, like I wasn't a good mother. I talk to Dr. Craig about it and she said that I had PPD, which I started become aware of and wanted to get better as soon as possible.

"Alright little mama, I'm here to feed you so you could stop with all that screaming." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

I grabbed her a bottle out of the mini fridge that Tyler got for her room so that we didn't have to go all the way to the kitchen. I placed it in the electric bottle warmer that he also got. I gently rocked her while I sung softly, waiting for the bottle to be done.

When the bottle was done, i sat down in the rocking chair and feed Ari. I was surprise to see that she finished the bottle in like 5 minutes. After I burped her, I changed her diaper and then laid her down in the bassinet. After a good 10 minutes she was out like a light. I made sure the baby monitor was working right and turned on the soft sleep sounds for her before leaving the room.

I was so ready to get back to Tyler I was practically running down the hall. I got to our room and that motherfucker was sleeping.

Ugh. I pouted and closed the room door, I can't be mad at him for falling asleep I know he's been working hard the last couple of weeks due to the fact that he is trying to settle a deal with a huge company.

I stripped out of my clothes and went into the bathroom, I turned on the water in the shower and went to go brush my teeth while I wait for it to get hot. I like when the water is basically burning my skin so I wait a good 5 minutes before getting in.

After 35 minutes in the shower, I felt completely relaxed. I walked out of the bathroom while drying off my body. Not wasting any time, I quickly moisturized my skin, threw on one of Tyler's shirt and then climb into bed. I placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth and then laid my head on his chest and threw my leg over his. He shifted and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing slightly.

"I love you." I heard him whisper.

"I love you too." I whispered back before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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