Chapter 52

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Kiara's POV

"Hello there, mi amor" Antonio said.

I scrambled up against headboard, making sure I was holding the sheets to my chest.

"I-I'm w-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'll tell you as soon as you get dressed and come downstairs. If your not down in 5 minutes I'm coming back up here." He said before turning and walking out the door.

Tyler stared at me for a second before walking out of the room.

I slowly got out of bed and put on the clothes I had on before. Sighing I opened the door and walked out to the living room assuming that's where Antonio was.

I walked through the archway to see him sitting with Tyler, they stop talking the moment they noticed my presence. Hmph I wonder what they were talking about.

"Come sit belle" Antonio said.

I looked him over cautiously not sure if I should trust him or not. I slowly walked over and sat down across from them.

"Tyler you mind giving us a second." He said looking me in the eyes.

"I-" Tyler started but Antonio cut him off.

"Don't worry Tyler, I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend, just a simple conversation." Antonio chuckled.

Tyler sat there for a minute staring at Antonio before he got up and walked out of the room.

Antonio sat back and pulled a cigar out of his jacket pocket, putting it in his mouth.

"Aht aht put that back, you are not smoking while my baby is in the house." I said.

He paused and slowly took it out his mouth and put it back in his jacket.

"Your right, I apologize." He spoke.

I nodded my head and crossed my arms, "is there a reason your here Antonio?" I asked.

"Well, I came to see how you were holding up." He said.

"I'm doing fine." I answered quickly.

He chuckled and sat forward, placing his elbows on his knees, "you can quit lying belle. Tyler has told me all about your recent behavior."

I reared my head back like he just insulted me, "Tyler need to know when to shut up." I muttered under my breath but he still heard me.

"Aht Aht don't blame Tyler for wanting to look out for you." He said.

"I-" I shut up real quick when I realized that he was right.

"Now I'll ask again, how are you holding up?"

I let out a long sigh and rubbed my hand down my face. "I don't know, not well I guess."

"My mind has been clouded with thoughts and images of what happened and I start to think about what ifs and just everything. I can't control it." I whispered.

"I understand what you are dealing with and wanted to let you know that you could over come it." He said.

"How could you understand what I'm going through, don't you do more of the kidnapping and killing." I said rudely.

He laughed loudly for a second before he started to calm down. "Your right, I do a lot of kidnapping and killing but let me tell you something that nobody knows about me and don't tell anyone or I just might have to kill you." He smiled.

I nodded my head and sat back in my seat, internally wincing at how evil his smile looked.

"I had a wife and a daughter, around the time I first took over for my father we were all kidnapped, tortured and beaten. They took my daughter else where but kept my wife and I together. I had to watch them beat and rape my wife constantly before they slit her throat for talking back. The pain I felt seeing her die in front of me was agonizing and when I asked them to bring my daughter to me they told me they killed her too."

Tears were running down my face as I listen to Antonio's story. I was in complete shock at what I was hearing, I didn't know what to say so I just sat there with tears running down my eyes.

"I completely lost my mind after that. when I got the chance I broke out of that little room. Killing every man in that building. I didn't care who was involved or not they all had to die. My point of telling you this was to show you how I'm still standing after what I've been through. So that you can fight this and come back 10x stronger than you were before." He finished.

When he stopped talking I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He stiffened the moment my arms wrapped around him but I didn't care. I needed this and I'm sure he did too.
Tiffany's POV

I was walking around the mall with Skai doing some shopping.

"Hey Tiff what do you think about this?" Skai said stepping out the dressing room wearing a tight off the shoulder dress.

"Ohh hell no!" I said holding up my phone and snapping a picture to send to Kiara. "Yeah go ahead and take that off for me."

"Whatttt? You don't like it ?" She asked.

"Of course I like it. But not on you, maybe for me. You are too young for that dress." I said. She rolled her eyes and walk back into the dressing room to change.

After Skai got changed we left the store and made our way to the food court. Skai was walking in front of my while on her phone, I was taking in our surroundings when I noticed Derrick standing outside of Victoria secret.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

What is he doing at this mall, he lives in another town so he shouldn't be over here unless there is something here he wants. And why the hell is he standing in front of Victoria secret.

I watched as a huge smile lit up on his face and then a girl walked out of the store holding a shopping bag. She was tan with long legs and big boobs. She was gorgeous, way better looking then me.

I was starting to get mad at the sight of them two together. No I'm not jealous but he was just telling me he wanted me now he's with someone else.

"Ugh." I thought looking  at them I disgust.

"Tiffany are you ok?" Skai asked.

"I'm fine, let's go to Victoria secret." I said grabbing her arm and dragging her with me.

I made sure to walk close enough to so that Derrick could see me.

I heard Skai gasp, "Hi Derrick!"

"Skai!" He shouted and gave her a bear hug.

He looked up at me and his smile faded a little, "hey Tiffany."

"Hey." I said

"Mel this is Skai and Tiffany, my friends sister and-" he stopped when I spoke.

"I'm nobody just an old fling." I smiled sweetly at them and grabbed Skai's hand, "if you'll excuse us, we have somewhere to be." I said dragging Skai behind me.

We made it all the way to the food court before Skai cleared her throat. "Um Tiff, what the heck happened back there?"

"Um... n-nothing you need to worry about." I said.

I placed my bags down next to Skai and walk over to the pizza place, getting in line. I seriously just made a fool of myself back there, what the fuck was I thinking saying that while Skai was right there.

I'm such a fucking idiot.

I feel like this chapter has a lot of error but bare with me I'm tired asl. Hope y'all like it tho! :) ❤️

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