Chapter 23

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Kiara's POV

Tyler was quickly maneuvering through the streets trying to get to my house. I wiped the tears that have been flowing from my eyes since we left Tyler's office.

I don't understand why this is happening to me, I dont know why someone would do this. I don't have any beef with anyone and all my friends (the small amount that I have) don't have any problems with me..... I think.

We pulled into my driver way and I immediately got out, hearing Tyler call my name but I don't pay attention to him. I speed walk over to my car and asses the damages.

My mom gave me this car when I turned 18 and I love it so much. It was another little piece of her that I had and now she was ruined. The windows smashed, dents all over the car, the tires slashed and spray paint covering every inch of it with words like, slut, bitch, whore etc. I don't have enough money saved up to fix her right now. It's going to take me a while to build up enough money to fix all the damages.

I'm sobbing now when I feel hands wrap around my waist. Tyler turns me around to face him, pulling me closer to his chest.

"It's going to be ok baby" he said trying to calm me down.

I pulled back harshly and stared at him through watery eyes.

"It's not ok!! How the fuck am I suppose to fix this! I don't have enough money saved up to fix my car, what am I suppose to do , how am I suppose to get to work, to the doctors!" I yelled loudly.

I can see Tiffany walk outside from the corner of my eye. She's probably trying to figure out why the fuck I'm yelling so much but I just can't take it.

"M-my mom gave me that car." I said voice cracking.

Tyler picked me up and carried me inside the house. I don't know why he picked me up I know I'm heavy as hell but he effortlessly walks me all the way to my room without breaking a sweat. He laid me on my bed and took off my shoes. He laid on the bed,facing towards me. He grabbed my face and gently whipped at the tears that were still falling down my face.

"I will help you get through this babygirl, I promise. We can go get your car fixed tomorrow, you don't have to worry I will pay for it." Tyler said.

"I don't want you paying for my shit Tyler." I said harshly. "I'm not some type of charity case."

"No one is saying that you are, I just want to help you." He said.

I sighed, getting annoyed. "No tyler I'll do it on my own." I said trying to turn over.

"He roughly grabbed my chin so that I can look at him. "I said I'm helping you, I don't want you telling me no. So either you deal with it or stay mad but either way I'm helping." He said.

I gave in because I was too exhausted to fight him on this, but I will definitely be on his ass about it tomorrow.

He gently kissed me on my lips before kissing my nose, both of my cheeks, my forehead and my chin.

"I promise I will take care of you." He whispered, still kissing all over my face.

His kisses his way down my neck, making me shiver and let out a little moan. He moved so that he was hovering above me. He slowly lifted my shirt all the way up until it was off. He leaned down and placed a kiss on each breast. I reached behind me and unhooked my bra and pulled it off, trying to hint to him that I wanted him to suck my nipples.

He grabbed both of my breast and squeeze, moving his hands up and slightly squeezing my nipple. The sensation was wonderful. He quickly leaned down and sucked my left nipple into his month, swirling his tongue around it and nipping it with his teeth.

"P-please ty." I moaned out.

He looked up at me with a smirked before letting my nipple pop from his month.

"What do you want babygirl?" He asked seductively.

"I want you." I said trying to grind myself on him.

"Gotta be more detailed than that baby." He said leaning down and biting my neck.

I blushed, "I want you to fuck me." I said through gritted teeth.

"Ahhh look at you blushing." He said.

He jumped off of the bed and ripped off his clothes leaving him in only his boxers. I can see his hard dick through this underwear, I'm still shocked at how big he is. He slowly tugged his boxers down and let them dropped to the floor. I watch him grabbed ahold of his dick and start stroking it. I bit my lip and like the horny little bitch that I am quickly pulled off the rest of my clothes. I can feel my wetness coating my legs, this man can make me cum with just his looks.

"Spread those legs for me baby." He said while climbing on the bed.

I spread my leg so that he could rest in between them. He rubbed his dick up and down my slit coating himself in my juices. He stopped at my entrance and pushed in just little before pulling back out.

"Stop fucking teasing me." I said smacking his chest.

He let out a laugh before he push all the way in, filling me up. I let out a long moan, throwing my head back at the immense amount of pleasure. He reached under me, grabbing my ass and slightly lifting my lower half so that our bodies were leveled. He He slowly thrust into me, circling his hips he looks down and watch himself slowly pulls out of my pussy. He keep up this slow tantalizing pace making me go crazy.

"Faster!" I moaned grabbing at his arm.

"I want to worshiping you." He said leaning down to kiss my stomach while slowly pushing in and out, torturing me.

"Tyler fuck that! Just please fuck me harder and faster." I moaned.

He pulled all the way out and then slammed back into me. I let out a scream, grinding my hips against him wanting more. I grab his face, bringing him down to me and kissing the life out of him. I moaned into his mouth while he continued to pound into me over and over making the headboard slam against the wall, I'm sure Tiffany can hear everything.

"Fuck baby, your gonna make me cum." He moaned picking up the pace. Our movement was starting to get frantic, we were kissing and pulling at each other not being able to get enough.

" don't stop don't stop omg." I moan grinding harder against him. I can feel my orgasm building up with each thrust of his cock, I tighten around his cock. I screamed not being able to couldn't control myself anymore, I came hard trembling.

"F-fuckkkkkkkk!" Tyler moaned loudly releasing himself inside me. Tyler laid down beside me, we were both panting heavily trying to catch out breaths.

"Y'all were loud as fuck btw." Tiffany yelled from the other side of the door.

Tyler and i laughed at her for stating the obvious.

"Let's shower and then we can rest , I can tell that you exhausted. Tyler said picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom, we took a quick shower and got out. Tyler placed me on the bed and laid down beside me, pulling me into him.

"Sleep baby." Tyler said placing a kiss on my shoulder. I immediately fell asleep.

Tomorrow I will go try and get my car fixed .

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