Chapter 37

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Tiffany's POV

I walk outside and walked over to the huge tree to the left of the house. I can tell Derrick was right behind me because I could feel his presence. I stopped and turned around to face him. He was staring down at me with a stern look on his face.

"I heard what you told Kiara." He said.

"What the hell were you eavesdropping?!" I shouted.

"I didn't mean to, I just wanted to check up on you since you looked like you were crying and since I heard you say my name I continued to listen."

" listen tiffany I don't know what your intentions are with me but I don't appreciate you 'using me' or whatever the fuck your doing. I told you that I would leave my ex alone just so I could be with you but yet you treat me as if I'm some one night stand. If you don't want to be with me then let me know now because I don't have time for bullshit." He said.

I stared at him in shock at what he just said. "Derrick I'm keeping you at arms length because I honestly don't want to get hurt again, and you seem like the type to break someone's heart." I said.

He pointed to himself, "I seem like the type to break someone's heart?" He said with a chuckle. "If you don't want to get hurt then why would you go to your ex place and have sex with him." He said.

I pulled back and frowned at him. "The shit that I do is none of your business Derrick." I said

"Actually it is my business since you was in my bed earlier today calling me daddy." He said angrily.

I let out a harsh laugh and back away, "Derrick fuck you. I don't owe you an explanation, and to be honest I'm glad I didn't get close to you, you probably would've ended up breaking my heart anyways." I said rolling my eyes and walking to my car.

Unlocking the doors, I got in the car and started. I looked up into the mirror and can still see him standing by the tree. I back out and zoomed out of the drive way and away from Derrick.
Kiara's POV

"Tyler I'm fucking hungry can we stop somewhere before we get to your office." I said.

"Baby you just ate a chicken sandwich and some fries and your still hungry." He said looking over at me.

"Yeah I am, don't question me." I said, turning the music back up.

We were currently driving to his office from my doctors appointment. I'm currently at 33 weeks and I'm about to bust right the fuck open. My doctor said November 4th is the due date but honestly this baby probably gone be a late October baby.

I placed my hand on my belly and started to gently rub it as Tyler pulled into the checkers drive thru. He reached over and placed his hand on my belly to and also started rubbing, Copy cat.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I want a 2 bacon all American burger and largest size chili cheese fries they got." I said.

Tyler turned and looked at me with a shocked expression and then turn around and ordered for me.

"OH and a root beer." I said.

He repeated the order back to the lady but instead of sprite and he said HI-C.

"What the hell....I wanted a sprite ty." I stated.

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