Chapter 33

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Kiara's POV

I'm rudely woken up by the strongest urge to pee. I quickly get up and go to the bathroom, trying to hurry so I don't pee on myself. After I finish my business I walk back into our room. I look at the alarm clock and notice that it says 12 am. What the hell! I've been sleeping for so long, why hasn't anyone woken me up.

Tyler's not in bed with me so I assume he's up and around here somewhere. I open the door and walk out of the room hearing the tv in the living room playing.

At one need of the couch I can see tiffany sleeping and on the other end Skai is sitting up watching tv. I go over and next to her.

"I'm really happy that your here Skai. It might have looked like I wasn't happy with all the crying but they were happy tears." I said.

She let out a sigh and turned to me. "Good because I was getting worried, no matter what Tyler said I wanted to hear you say it yourself." She replied.

"What did Tyler say?" I asked.

"He said that your happy I'm here and that I shouldn't take you crying as a bad thing." She said.

Gosh I love that man.

There goes that word love again.

"Yeah he was right." I said smiling. I leaned over and pulled her towards me for a hug.

"Let's start our sister journey." I said.

She smiled widely and hugged me back. "I'd like that!"

I hear the key pad on the door beeping before it opened and Tyler walked in with two big bag from McDonald's.

I smiled and tried getting up but it was hard. I eventually stood my full height and walked over to him.

"How'd you know I was hungry." I asked grabbing one of the bags.

"Because your always hungry." He laughed. "Plus you been sleeping so long I assumed you would be starving by the time you woke up." He said.

"You were absolutely right." I said taking all the food out of the bag.

It looks like he bought everything at McDonald's what the hell! There were a bunch of Big Macs , fries, chicken nuggets and all.

"Tyler why did you buy everything at McDonald's?" I laughed.

"Well I wanted everyone to eat. I eat a lot and you eat a lot so......" he said.

"Are you calling me a fat ass?" I said raising my eyebrow. I heard Skai snicker in the living room.

"I-I uh noo n-not at all, I'm just saying that because y-your pregnant you have been e-eating a lot." Tyler stuttered.

I laughed hard slapping my hand on the counter. "I'm just kidding babe." I said.

"Hey Skai wake tiffany up for me please." I said grabbing two bigs macs, some fries, and chicken nuggets. I sat down at the table and started eating not waiting for anyone.

"Really Ki, you couldn't wait for everyone else." I heard mumble.

"Why would I do that?" I said stuffing my face.

We all sat at the table and ate in a comfortable silence and sometime we would make a joke or something. I thought it would be awkward because of what happened earlier but it didn't seem tense. After we all finished eating, we got up and cleaned up the table.

"Tiff and Skai y'all obviously could stay here, you can pick one of the spare rooms Tyler has around the house." I said.

They both nodded and came over to me to give me a hug.

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